gen. |
Flegel m; Tollpatsch m; Tolpatsch m (alt); junger Bär; junger Löwe; junger Wolf; Junge von Raubtieren, z.B. Löwe; Junges von Raubtieren, z.B. Löwe |
agric. |
werfen (Hunde gebären); Junge werfen (bei Hunden) |
tech. |
Kabinenleichtflugzeug n |
zool. |
Welpe m (Jungtier bei Hund, Wolf und Fuchs) |
zoot. |
Junge werfen |
gen. |
Flegel m; Jungpfadfinder n; Junge m |
cub term of endearment [kʌb] n | |
inf. |
Knabe m |
gen. |
Wölfling m |
dog, fox, bear cub [kʌb] n | |
zool. |
junges Tier |
English thesaurus |
abbr., oil |
cubic |
abbr., sport. |
cubital a. |
abbr. |
cubic (Vosoni) |
abbr. |
Check Under Basket; Crappy Useless Beer; cubicle |
abbr., austral. |
Carlton and United Breweries Ltd |
abbr., avia. |
clean up buck; cost upper bound |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Compton Union Building; University of Colorado at Boulder |
abbr., el. |
capacitor under bitline (cell); central unit buffer; cursor back |
abbr., el., scient. |
Central utility building |
abbr., geogr. |
Cuba |
abbr., IT |
cursor backward |
abbr., media. |
Council for UHF Broadcasting |
abbr., mil. |
commander's update briefing |
abbr., sport. |
Concordia University Baseball |
abbr., tradem. |
Carlton And United Breweries |
AMEX., st.exch. |
Cubic Corporation |
abbr. |
Completely Useless By Spring |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Counseling And Understanding By Students |
abbr., sport. |
Can't Understand Baseball Strategy; Completely Useless By September |
abbr. |
cube |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cubanite |
sport., abbr. |
C |
abbr., med. |
copper band |
abbr., busin. |
copper bar |
abbr., dril. |
caliper upper limit |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cubic function |