gen. |
Feld n; Matte f; Polster m; Stütze m; Unterlage m; Platte f (zur Dämpfung); Schreibblock m; Schulterpolster n; Kontaktstelle auf einer Leiterplatte; Pad n; Schulblock m; trotten; festes Dämpfungsglied; Puffer m; elektronischer Notizblock |
anat. |
Pfote f (of fox, wolf, hare); Tatze f (of fox, wolf, hare) |
build.struct. |
Bettung f; Polster Fensterriegel |
busin. |
Block m |
chem. |
Wattebausch m |
commun. |
Dämpfungsglied n; Anschlußfläche f (IC pin connection); dämpfen; Füllzeichen n (character; preceding and following a data block-leading and trailing pad, resp.); stopfen (characters, ESS) |
comp. |
Kontaktstelle f; Kontaktierungsinsel f; Anschlussinsel f; Anschlusskontaktstelle m; Auffüllung f |
construct. |
Griff m; Stiel m; Heft n; Handgriff m; Handlauf m; Straßenplatte f; Wegplatte f; Auflagerstein m; Säulendeckplatte f; Weg m; Straße m |
emerg.care |
Tupfer m |
hobby |
Beinschiene f |
industr., construct., met. |
Blech n |
inf. |
tapsen |
IT, el. |
Unterbau m |
mater.sc., industr., construct. |
Polsterkissen n |
med. |
Packung f; Pelotte; Tupfer m; Auflage f; Bausch m; Kompresse f; Tampon m; Ballen m; feuchter Umschlag; Palotte |
med.appl. |
Seitensteg m (spectacles); Seitenstegplättchen n (spectacles) |
met. |
Schweissknoten m; Pfropfen m; Ansatz m |
microel. |
Kontaktfläche f; Lötstützpunkt m; Bondinsel f; Anpaßglied n; Handtastatur f |
mining. |
Kappenstück n |
opt. |
Seitensteg m |
pack. |
auspolstern; Polsterung f |
polygr. |
Papierblock m |
skydive. |
Zentralschlosspolster n (quick release) |
tech. |
Kissen n; Notizblock m; polstern; Tragsegment n; Wulst m; Drückstück n; Eckstück n; Klotz m; Plättchen n; Helikopterplattform f; Hubschrauberplattform f; Daempfungsglied n (nichtregelbar); flache Erhebung; Konsole f; Unterlage m (f. Hilfsgeraete) |
telecom. |
Verlängerungsleitung f |
textile |
Klotzen m |
transp. |
Anlauffläche f; Gleitschuh m; Trittplatte f |
transp., mech.eng. |
Nocken m; Buckel m |
comp. |
Paketierer/Depaketierer m; PAD-Einrichtung n |
transp. |
Bremsbelag für Scheibenbremse; Bremsklotz m |
gen. |
Ballen m (an Pfote) |
gen. |
Blöcke Papier- und Schreibwaren |
comp., MS |
Auffüllen (The default gradient brush option where the color values at the ends of the gradient vector fill the remaining space) |
pad of a foundation [pæd] n | |
pwr.lines. |
Grundplatte einer Pilzgründung |
gen. |
stoßfest verpacken |
gen. |
Schreibunterlage auf dem Schreibtisch |
pad old-fashioned [pæd] n | |
inf. |
Bude f |
opt. |
Auflage f |
gen. |
ausstopfen (Kleidung mit Watte polstern); tappen |
comp. |
füllen; vollbesetzen; ausfüllen; auffüllen; vollstopfen |
microel. |
ergänzen |
tech. |
füttern |
commun. |
Ausstopfen; Austragen |
comp., MS |
Abstand (The space between the inside edge of a child element and its content) |
footwear |
Grundieren |
industr., construct. |
Polstern |
tech. |
ausfüllen |
transp., mater.sc. |
Kloetze |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
padlock |
O&G |
frac fluid without proppants (Dictionary of Petroleum Exploration, Drilling & Production. By Norman J. Hyne Belk) |
slang |
a place to live (Have you found a pad yet?) |
abbr. |
Preauthorized Electronic Debit; Pressure Anomaly Detection; Product And Application Development; Punks Against Discrimination; preauthorized electronic debit (Alexander Matytsin); Packet Assembler-Disassembler (Networking); Packet Assembling Disassembling (CCITT, X.3, X.28, X.29, PSDN); padder (capacitor); Pipe Aquisition Disorder; Predicted Area of Danger; Public Assistance Director (US); Pueblo Army Depot |
abbr., auto. |
padded; padding; passenger airbag disabled |
abbr., avia. |
Paderborn, Germany; parts availability date; partner agreement document; passive air defense; program approval document; programmable automation data; propellant actuated device |
abbr., BrE |
passive air defence |
abbr., busin. |
port of air debarkation |
abbr., commun. |
Packet Assembler/ Disassembler |
abbr., comp. |
Peer Authorization Database (translator911) |
abbr., comp., net. |
packet assembly and disassembly; packet assembly/disassembly |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Packet Assembler Disassembler; Personal Access Device |
abbr., dat.proc. |
packet assembler/disassembler |
abbr., dentist. |
PAD technology (MichaelBurov); photo activated decontamination (MichaelBurov); photo activated disinfection (MichaelBurov); photo activated disinfection technology (MichaelBurov); photo-activated decontamination (MichaelBurov); photo-activated disinfection (MichaelBurov); photoactivated disinfection (MichaelBurov); photoactivated oral disinfection (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
program of adaptive division |
abbr., EBRD |
project appraisal document (kotechek) |
abbr., ed. |
Patience And Discipline; Public Access To Defibrillators |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Presidents And Academic Deans |
abbr., el. |
packet assembler/disassembler protocol; page address register; path attenuation device; PCM adapter; peripheral adapter; photoacoustic deflection; post-alloy diffusion; priority of A/D conversion; program associated data; pulse amplitude discriminator |
abbr., electr.eng. |
power amplifier driver |
abbr., file.ext. |
Packet Assembler/Disassembler; Positioning Arm Disc; Keypad definition (Telemate) |
abbr., immunol. |
pulsed amperometric detector (harser) |
abbr., insur. |
Payment against documents |
abbr., IT |
Keypad definition; Packet Assembler / Disassembler; Packet Assembly Disassembly; Picture A Day; Portable Application Description; packet assembling/disassembling |
abbr., law |
Peoples Awareness Of Disabilities |
abbr., logist. |
Port Additionals (Dues) |
abbr., med. |
Peripheral Arterial Disease; Peripheral Artery Disease; Pulmonary Artery Diastolic; peripheral arterial disease; peripheral artery disease (pathway); pre aid to the disabled |
abbr., mil. |
Payload And Delivery; Personnel Administration For Divisions; Pipe Acquisition Disorder; Pre Advisory Data; Panel on Air defense; Panel on Air Defence (NATO); patient administration director; positional adjustment; precision aircraft direction |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
power adjust |
abbr., mil., arm.veh. |
Protection Areal Density (qwarty) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
packet assembler/disassembler |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
Preliminary Approved Discharge; Production and Drilling |
abbr., oil |
paragon acid dispersion; pad assembly/disassembly; Panama district; platform attachment device; pressure anomaly difference |
abbr., pharm. |
Pharmacology active dose (iwona) |
abbr., physiol. |
primary afferent depolarization |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Photo Activated Disinfection; Pop And Drop |
abbr., progr. |
problem analysis diagram (ssn) |
abbr., scottish |
Planning Analysis Document; Point Air Defence; Preliminary Analysis Document (NATO) |
abbr., sec.sys. |
personal authentication device |
abbr., semicond. |
photoelectron angular distribution |
abbr., space |
perimeter air defense; permanent ammunition depot; picture assembly device; photo amplifier detector |
abbr., sport. |
Professional Association of Diving Instructors |
abbr., surg. |
percutaneous abscess drainage (чрескожное дренирование абсцесса doc090) |
abbr., tech. |
propellant-activated device |
abbr., transp. |
Petroleum Administration for Defense |
account. |
Preauthorized electronic debits |
energ.ind. |
primary air duct; product assurance data |
mil. |
Panama air depot; permissible accumulated dose; pilotless aircraft division; point air defense; pontoon assembly depot; pontoon assembly detachment; poor acquisition data; port of aerial debarkation; preferred arrival date; program action directive; program analysis division; project approval document; propellant-actuated device; proposal for advanced development; provisional acceptance date; provisional air division; public affairs division |
tech. |
particle accelerator division; passive electronic decoy; performance analysis and design; predicated area of danger system; programmable address decoder |
abbr. |
Public Action To Deliver Shelter; Performance Analysis and Design Synthesis; Performing Arts Data Service (Vosoni) |
abbr., auto. |
passenger airbag disarm switch |
abbr., avia. |
pneumatic air distribution system; precision aerial deliver system; program planning and control automated data system |
abbr., el. |
passive-active data simulation; personnel automatic data system; photoacoustic deflection spectroscopy; plasma assisted dry soldering; precision aerial display system |
abbr., file.ext. |
Pen Application Development System (Slate Corporation) |
abbr., mil. |
Position Azimuth Determining System; Precision Air Drop System; Position/Azimuth Determining System; position azimuth determining system |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
positioning and azimuth determining system |
abbr., mil., avia. |
Army precision aerial delivery system |
abbr., oil |
portable arctic drilling structure |
abbr., scottish |
Penetration Aid Deployment System; Position & Azimuth Determining System; Position Attack Defence System |
abbr., sec.sys., IT |
Protected Archives Distribution System |
abbr., space |
performance analysis display system; primary attitude determination system |
abbr., transp. |
Planned Arrival and Departure System |
abbr., vet.med., med. |
People and Dogs Society |
mil. |
passive advanced sonobuoy; passive/active data simulation; penetration aids deployment system; personnel automated data system; precision aerial delivery system |
tech. |
parametric array Doppler sonar; passive acoustic detection sonobuoy; performance analysis data sheet; personnel access data system; plant alarm and display system; position and azimuth determining system; precision attitude determination system |
astronaut. |
Partner Affiliate Distributors (GeOdzzzz) |