| |||
Taktgeber m | |||
Zeittaktgeber m | |||
Uhr f (The electronic circuit in a computer that generates a steady stream of timing pulses--the digital signals that synchronize every operation. The system clock signal is precisely set by a quartz crystal, typically at a specific frequency between 1 and 50 megahertz. The clock rate of a computer is one of the prime determinants of its overall processing speed, and it can go as high as the other components of the computer allow) | |||
Zeitnehmer m | |||
| |||
Takt; zählen; stempeln (Zeiterfassungsgerät); Uhr; Taktfrequenz; Taktrate | |||
Zeitgeber | |||
Zeit stempeln | |||
Takt (pulse); Taktimpuls (pulse) | |||
Arbeitszeit an der Stechuhr registrieren (gewöhnlich mit in, on zu Arbeitsbeginn, mit out, off bei Arbeitsschluß) | |||
Schrittmacher | |||
Uhrmacherware | |||
Stoppuhr | |||
Schrittpuls | |||
Chronograf Chronograph | |||
triggern; durch Impuls ansteuern; mit einem Takt steuern (versorgen); Taktimpuls; Taktgerät | |||
takten; Tagesuhr; Takterzeugung; Taktgenerator; Taktzentrale; Turmuhr; Uhrzeitgeber; Wanduhr; Zeitgeber (Datenverarbeitung); Zeitimpulsgeber; Zeitlaufwerk; Zeittakt; Zeituhr; Zeitmesser; Taktgeber (Datenverarbeitung); Borduhr; Chronometer | |||
Phase | |||
Zeitmessgerät | |||
| |||
stoppte ab; zählte | |||
| |||
Uhren; Uhren, Pendeluhren | |||
| |||
Pusteblume | |||
| |||
taktgebunden |
clock : 1233 phrases in 58 subjects |
Agriculture | 2 |
Alternative dispute resolution | 4 |
American usage, not spelling | 11 |
Astronomy | 27 |
Automated equipment | 19 |
Automatic control | 1 |
Automobiles | 1 |
Biology | 1 |
Botany | 1 |
British usage, not spelling | 8 |
Business | 14 |
Chemistry | 9 |
Coal | 1 |
Commerce | 1 |
Communications | 67 |
Computers | 105 |
Construction | 6 |
Cultural studies | 2 |
Earth sciences | 2 |
Ecology | 1 |
Economics | 10 |
Electronics | 57 |
Entomology | 2 |
Environment | 1 |
Finances | 1 |
General | 220 |
Hobbies and pastimes | 2 |
Industry | 61 |
Informal | 4 |
Information technology | 71 |
Labor law | 4 |
Law | 10 |
Life sciences | 3 |
Marketing | 4 |
Measuring instruments | 39 |
Mechanic engineering | 4 |
Medical | 6 |
Medical appliances | 1 |
Metallurgy | 4 |
Microelectronics | 82 |
Microsoft | 10 |
Mining | 1 |
Municipal planning | 1 |
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation | 2 |
Natural sciences | 4 |
Optics branch of physics | 4 |
Patents | 10 |
Physics | 10 |
Power lines | 1 |
Programming | 8 |
Radiation | 5 |
Sports | 2 |
Technology | 260 |
Telecommunications | 36 |
Telephony | 2 |
Textile industry | 2 |
Transport | 5 |
Volleyball | 1 |