gen. |
Ablaufschritt m; Schritt m (auch fig); Sprosse f; Stufe f; Treppe f (einzelne Stufe); Anweisung f (in Bedienungsanleitung, Handbuch); treten; treten (du trittst, er tritt); treten in (into); Trittbrett n; Ansatz Bohrung; Sekundschritt m; Maßnahme f |
agric. |
Vertiefung f; Aussparung f; Nische f; Rezess m |
anal.chem. |
Stufe f (on an integral chromatogram, in einem Integral-Chromatogramm) |
build.struct. |
Abstand m; Grad m |
chem. |
Stufe f (einer Treppe); Sprosse f (of a ladder); Maßregel f |
coal. |
Abriss m; Absatz n |
commun. |
Arbeitsschritt m; fortschalten |
commun., IT |
Übermittlungs-Schritt f |
comp. |
Schritt m |
comp., MS |
Schritt m (A component of a job); Schritt m (A component of a job) |
construct. |
Treppenauftritt m; Stufen der Rueckwand; Abtreppung f; Einschnitt m (of a key bit); Kerbe f (of a key bit); Absatz n (footings, pl.); Stufe einer Fundierungsmauer (footings, pl.); Leitersprosse f; Höhenversprung m; Leiterstufe m |
econ. |
Gang m; Gangart f; Rangstufe f; abschreiten; abstecken; einteilen (z.B. einer Entfernung); abstufen; stufenartig anordnen; schrittweise verändern; stufenweise verändern |
el.tract. |
Fahrstufe f |
geol. |
Verwerfung f |
gov. |
Dienstaltersstufe f |
industr., construct., met. |
Amelise f; Wulst m |
IT, dat.proc. |
Inkrement n |
life.sc. |
Steilrand m |
meas.inst. |
Teilbereich m; Teilmessbereich m |
mech.eng. |
Spurring m; Lagerspur f; Spurplatte f |
med. |
Fusstritt m |
microel. |
Schritt m (eines Fotorepeaters); Auftragsschritt m; Jobschritt m (s.a. instruction) |
nucl.phys. |
Stufe f (stage); Treppe f (stage) |
opt. |
Knick m; Vorschub m |
phys. |
Phase f (of the sequence); Stadium n |
tech. |
gehen; Schwelle f; Sprung m; Takt m; Teilschritt m; Treppenstufe f; Tritt m; Trittstufe f; Absatz n (mach., masch); Lehrschritt m (paed); Stufe f (Wasserflugzeug); Abstufung f |
transp. |
Absetzen n |
transp., nautic. |
Mastfußlager n; Mastspur f |
zoot. |
Allüre m; Gangart des Pferdes |
agr. |
agrotechnische Maßnahmen; agrotechnische Verfahren |
construct., BrE |
Stufenleiter f; Trittleiter f |
transp., construct. |
Galerien f; Treppe f; Treppen f; Stufen zum Brechen der Geschwindigkeit |
gen. |
Tanzschritt m |
steps ladders not of metal [steps] n | |
gen. |
Stehleitern, nicht aus Metall |
busin. |
schreiten |
construct. |
stufenweise aufsetzen; aufstufen; überhöhen |
microel. |
sich schrittweise bewegen; schrittweise positionieren |
tech. |
stufen; absetzen (Spannkolben); schrittweise fortschalten mechanisches Zaehlwerk (elektronisches Schieberegister) |
gen. |
schreitet |
gen. |
Stufen... |
tech. |
stufig; sprungförmig |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
stp |
abbr., mil. |
steppe |
mil., logist. |
Within a tactical phase, maneuver phase after where a partial result will be reached, and after which complementary actions are necessary, such as action coordination, fire delivery, or combat support. (FRA) |
abbr. |
Safety Training And Evaluation Process; Septic Tank Effluent Pump; Shell Technology Enterprise Programme; Strategies To Elevate People; Supercomputer Teacher Enhancement Program; Safety Training Education Program; Sales Training Education And Purchasing; Salmon and Trout Education Project; Satellite Telecommunications Educational Programming; School Transition Entry Program; Science And Technology Entrepreneur's Park; Script Train Execute And Process; Secondary Transitional Educational Program; Selected Traffic Enforcement Program; Simple Transaction Exchange Protocol; Skills Training Education Program; Sociocultural, Technological, Economic, And Political; Software Test and Evaluation Plan; South's Traveling Educational Program; Special Traffic Enforcement Patrols; STandard for Exchange of Product Model Data (ISO 10303); STandard for the External representation / Exchange of Product data definition (ISO, DP 10303, CAD); Standard To Enhancement Pack; Standardized Technical Entry Point; Striving To Experience Peace; Student Teacher Enhancement Partnership; Student Transition Education Program; Student Transitional Enrichment Program; Students Teachers Employers And Parents; Students Teaching And Education Programme; sequential-colour television equipment programmer; simple transition to electronic processing; Space Terminal Evaluation Program; Students Teaching Early Prevention; Students Together For Environmental Protection; Students Transitional English Program; Supplemented Training and Employment Program; Support Training And Enterprise Programme; Support, Truth, Empowerment, And Purpose |
abbr., astronaut. |
Solar-Terrestrial Energy Programme (COSPAR) |
abbr., auto. |
Service Technician Education Program; simple transition of electronic processing; standard for the exchange and presentation of product model data |
abbr., automat. |
Standard for Product Data Exchange (ssn) |
abbr., avia. |
sequential television equipment programmer; simulation, test and evaluation process; standard of exchange for product model data; structural technology evaluation program |
abbr., busin. |
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Общество специалистов по доверительному управлению имуществом и планированию наследования. Vadim Rouminsky) |
abbr., commer. |
Simulation, Test, and Evaluation Process |
abbr., comp. |
standard tape executive program |
abbr., comp., net. |
Standard of Exchange of Product Model Data |
abbr., ed. |
Science And Technology Entry Program; State Test Of Educational Progress; Strategic Teaching For Everyday Progress; Student Tobacco Education Program; Student Transition And Educational Planning; Sustainable Technology Education Project; Systematic Training For Effective Parenting |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Science And Technology Enhancement Program; Sixth Term Examination Paper; Sixth Term Examination Papers |
abbr., el. |
satellite telecommunications experimental program; SEMI technical education program; sequential color television equipment programmer; simulated tracking evaluation program; standard for the exchange of product marketing information; standard for the transfer and exchange of product model data; standards technical educational program; standard tape executive package; standard terminal executive program; synchronous transport evolution process |
abbr., facil. |
Sangachal Terminal Expansion Program (Johnny Bravo) |
abbr., file.ext. |
ISO-10303 STEP product data; Standard for Exchange of Product; Supervisory Tape Executive Program |
abbr., IT |
standard for the exchange of product model |
abbr., law |
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program; Strategic Traffic Enforcement Program |
abbr., med. |
Seattle Treatment Education Program |
abbr., media. |
Standard Template For Electronic Publishing |
abbr., mil. |
Standard for the Exchange of Product model data; Standardized Tactical Entry Point; Space Test Experiment Platform; software test and evaluation program; standardized tactical entry point; standard tool for employment planning |
abbr., mil., astronaut. |
satellite telecommunication experimental program |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
Salmon Trout Enhancement Program; Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Project |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Step up to safety (Exxon Neftegas Limited SAKHstasia) |
abbr., oil |
scientific and technical exploitation plan (program); Strategies for Today's Environmental Partnerships; Strategists for Today's Environmental Partnership |
abbr., scottish |
Space Test Experiments Platform (USAF) |
abbr., space |
satellite telecommunications experiments project; satellite test of the equivalence principle; software test and evaluation project; standard equipment package; standard equipment practice; standard terminal program; surveillance tracking and experiment program |
abbr., surg. |
single-port transvesical enucleation of the prostate (STEP MichaelBurov) |
abbr., transp. |
Service Test and Evaluation Program |
abbr., UN |
Science Technology And Economic Progress |
energ.ind. |
source-term experimental program |
mil. |
Safeguard test and evaluation program; scientific and technical exploitation program; special training enlistment program; standard test equipment procedure; stripes for exceptional performers; supplementary training and education program |
mil., abbr. |
Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (ISO 10303) |
O&G |
standard for exchange product |
tech. |
safety test engineering program; ship type electronics plan; shipboard tracking electronics package; source-term experiments project |
abbr. |
Sensible Travel Equals Perfect Sense; Starting To Evolve A Plan For Success; Steps To Excellence For Personal Success; Steps Towards Enhancing Personal Self; Student And Temporary Employee Placement Services; II Scientific and Technical ELINT Processing System II; Scientific and Technical ELINT Processing System |
abbr., ecol. |
Stated Policies Scenario (amorgen) |
abbr., ed. |
Science Technology And Engineering Preview Summer; Student Testing Evaluation And Performance Standards |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Skills For Tertiary Education Preparation Studies; Success To Every Presidential Scholar |
abbr., el. |
standard technology and engineering for programming support |
abbr., med. |
Significance Of Transesophageal Electrocardiographic Findings In Prevention Of Stroke (study) |
abbr., mil. |
Service Transition Education Purpose And Success |
abbr., mil., avia. |
solar thermionic electrical power system |
abbr., physiol., med. |
System For Thalidomide Education And Prescribing Safety |
abbr., progr., IT |
Software Technique For Evolutionary Participative System |
abbr., scient. |
Severe Thunderstorm Electrification And Precipitation Study |
abbr., scottish |
Simulation, Training, Education & Procedural System |
abbr., space |
solar thermionic electric power system |
abbr. |
application/STEP |
UN |
Solving the E-Waste Problem (Olga_Tyn) |