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tab [tæb] n
gen. Lappen m; Etikett n; Schlaufe f; Streifen m; Tabulator m; Reiter m (auf Karteikarten); Lasche Verschluss; Namensschild n; Tab n (on filing cards); Aufhänger an Jacke etc.; Kragenspiegel m; Registerkarte f; Registerreiter m; Tabulatur f; Registerblatt n (Andrey Truhachev)
amer. Abrechnung f; Rechnung f
busin. Karteireiter m; Schildchen n
comp., MS Registerkarte f (A clickable UI element designed to look like a tab on a file folder. Tabs are usually arranged horizontally and allow users to switch between related pages or webpages)
forestr. Sicherungsscheibe f; Federring m
polygr. Reiter m
slang Rechnung in einer Bar
tech. Fahne f; Flachstecker m; Tabulatormarke f; Tabulatorposition f; Zunge f; Sicherungsnapf m; Vorsprung m
textile Bindungspunkt
transp., avia. Ausgleichsruder n; Hilfsklappe f; Hilfsruder n
tabs [tæbz] n
gen. Tabulatoren m
crystal tab [tæb] n
gen. Kartenreiter m
tab N. Engl. [tæb] n
inf. Zigarette f
tab short: tabloid,Am. [tæb] n
media. Schmierblatt n (Andrey Truhachev)
tab [tæb] v
gen. tabulieren
avia. Nase; Ohr; Vorsprung (an Stanzteilen usw); Klappe
construct. Sichtvorhang; unteres Schindelende
econ. Anhänger; tabellarisieren; tabellarisch ordnen; tabellarisch anordnen; tabellarisch darstellen
el. elektronischer Zettel
microel. Kontaktnase; Kontaktfahne
pack. Lasche; Einstecklasche
tech. tabellieren; Reiter (Kartei-); Stuetzklappe
 English thesaurus
tab [tæb] abbr.
abbr. table; tablet; tabloid; tabulation (Vosoni)
abbr., oil tabulating
automat. tabulated
mus. tablature
O&G tabular
tab. abbr.
abbr. table; tabulate; tablet
TAB [tæb] abbr.
abbr. Talk About Budget; Tax Anticipation Bill; Technical Activities Board; Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing; The Angry Beavers; Totalizator Agency Board; tax anticipation bill (Alexander Matytsin); Crown Point Airport, Tobago, Trinidad & Tobago; tabulate; Team Advisory Board; Technical Abstract Bulletin; Technical Assistance Board; Technical Assistance Bureau; Technology Assessment Board; Teen And Books; Teens And Books; Telecommunications Advisory Board; Testing Adjusting and Balancing; testing, adjustment and balancing; Theatre Air Base; Timing and Acquisition Bit; To Abolish Bookmakers; Touching A Booger; Training Allowance Benefits; Trendy Asian Bitch; Triangle Array Backward; Trinity's Assistance Bridge; Tumors Accidents And Burns; Tactical Advance to Battle (slitely_mad); Telecommunication Advisory Board; Technical Abstracts Bulletin; Technical Analysis Branch
abbr., auto. thermactor air bypass
abbr., bank. Transaction Advice Basic (aht)
abbr., commer. Total Allocated Budget
abbr., comp. tabulator (tabulating machine)
abbr., ed. Teaching For Artistic Behavior; Teasing And Bullying; Teen Advisory Board; Training Aid Booklet
abbr., el. Tape Automatic Bonding (Vosoni); tape automated bonder; task administration box; trunk test adaptation board
abbr., el., scient. Tape Automated Bonding; Technical Advisory Board; Tested And Burned
abbr., file.ext. Color lookup table (CMYK image)
abbr., food.ind. Totally Artificial Beverage
abbr., IT IEEE Technical Activities Board; table game
abbr., med. Type A behavior (inspirado)
abbr., mil. Target Acquisition Battery
abbr., mus. Tommy Aguilar Band
abbr., oil temporary-abandonment base; top and bottom; transportation, aggregation, and balancing agreement
abbr., oncol. Tumors, Accidents, and Burns
abbr., PCB tape automatic bonding (LyuFi)
abbr., physiol., med. Tablet; therapeutic abortion; Therapeutic Abortion; Touch And Breathe
abbr., post Technology Advisory Board (aids USPS in long range technology programs)
abbr., sport. Table
abbr., tech. Tabulator (Vosoni)
comp. go to next Tab stop; times after blast
invest., abbr. tax anticipation bill
mil. tactical air base; target acquisition battalion; target acquisition battery; towed assault bridge; tracked assault battalion; training aids branch; training aids bulletin
physiol. Therapeutic abortion
tech. target and background sensor
Tab. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. tables; tabular
TAb [tæb] abbr.
abbr., physiol. Therapeutic Abortion
Tab [tæb] n
gen. someone from Cambridge University (used usually by those at Oxford and often preceeded by "filthy" matchin)
tab [tæb] abbr.
abbr., med., lat. tabella
tab. abbr.
abbr., libr. tabloid
TAB [tæb] abbr.
abbr., adv. Traffic Audit Bureau
abbr., auto. transverse apportioning brake (system); tertiary butyl alcohol
abbr., avia. tabulation and interpolation program; test and BITE panel
abbr., med. typhoid, paratyphoid A and paratyphoid B inoculation
abbr., microel. tape-automated bonding; tabular language
abbr., refrig. testing, adjusting and balancing
: 262 phrases in 32 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Automated equipment1
Computer numerical control1
Earth sciences2
Electrical engineering3
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology11
Materials science10
Measuring instruments1
Mechanic engineering8
Municipal planning1

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