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gen. Herzstuecke; Frösche m
agric. Froschlurche m
nat.res. Froschlurche m (Anura, Salientia); Frösche m (Rana)
frog [frɔg] adj.
gen. verstellbare Eisenauflage bei Eisenhobeln; Frosch; Herzstück (Eisenbahn)
agric. Pflugrumpf; Griessäule; Rumpf
anat. Strahl des Hufes
construct. Mörteltasche; Mulde (Mauerstein); Spannvorrichtung (Hobel); ausgehöhlter Ziegel; Ziegelstein mit ausgetieften Seitenflächen; Aushöhlung; Vertiefung
fish.farm. Frosch (Ranidae)
food.ind. Froschkrabbe (Ranina ranina)
mining. Weichenherz; Herzstück (einer Weiche)
nat.sc., agric. Hornstrahl
tech. Fahrdrahtweiche; Herzstueck
textile Rockverschnuerung
transp., met., construct. Weichenherzstück
transp., tech. einfache Kreuzung
vet.med. Hufstrahl; Strahl
weap. Doppelhaken; Tragetasche (für Säbel, Degen und Bajonett)
frog for tramway or trolleybus [frɔg] adj.
el.tract. Fahrdrahtweiche für verzweigende Oberleitungen für Straßenbahn und O-Bus
frog contemptuous for a French person [frɔg] adj.
inf. Froschfresser abwertend
crossing frog [frɔg] adj.
gen. Herz (Eisenbahntechnik; Weiche)
frog Any insectivorous anuran amphibian of the family Ranidae, such as Rana temporaria of Europe, having a short squat tailless body with a moist smooth skin and very long hind legs specialized for hopping [frɔg] adj.
environ. Frosch
 English thesaurus
FROGS abbr.
abbr. Financial Reporting Online Government System; Freakin Retards On Good Stuff; Frenchies Representing Obedience Greatness Syndicate; Friends And Relatives Of Gadigal Services; Friends Respect Observe Guide And Share; Fucking Retard On Good Stuff
abbr., ed., scient. Fully Responsible Organized Growing Students
abbr., environ. Fairbornites Restoring Our Green Spaces
abbr., relig. Friends Religion And Other Great Stuff
frog [frɔg] adj.
cockney road (frog and toad = road • Don't ride your bike on the frog. Interex)
FROG [frɔg] abbr.
abbr., el. fiber Raman oscillator with gratings
FROG [frɔg] abbr.
abbr. Facilitated Reading For Optimum Growth; Facilitating Reading For Optimum Growth; Faith Relies On God; Faithfully Relying On God; Fast Road Of Glass; Find Reflect Organize And Generate; Firmly Rely On God; Flies Right Off The Ground; Flow Reduced Orifice Gauge; Fluent Reading Our Goal; For Righteousness Of God; Forever Rely On God; Forever Relying On God; Four Really Old Guys; Frequency Regulation Of Generator; Frequency Resolved Optical Gating; Fresh Reservoir Oxy Generator; Fresh Reservoir Oxygen Generator; Front and Rear On Ground; Fully Reliant On God; Fully Rely On God; Fully Relying On God; Fully Responsible Organized And Growing; Furnaced Room Over Garage; Free Rocket Over Ground
abbr., automat. free ranging on grid
abbr., O&G, sakh. transport carrier
abbr., oil formalism for representation of objects in geology
abbr., scottish Free-Rocket-Over-Ground
mil. free rocket over ground
Nasdaq LeapFrog Smart
physiol. Female
: 755 phrases in 29 subjects
Amphibians and reptiles604
Automated equipment1
Electric motors1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry2
Information technology1
Life sciences4
Mechanic engineering2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation7
Natural sciences4
Veterinary medicine1
Weapons and gunsmithing3

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