gen. |
Staatsanwalt m |
emerg.care |
Staatsanwalt m |
law |
Ankläger m |
tech. |
Kläger m |
law |
Ankläger m; Anklägerin f |
gen. |
Strafverfolgerin f |
prosecutor the attorney representing the state ['prɔsɪkju:tə] n | |
law |
Anklägerin f |
gen. |
Staatsanwältin f |
gen. |
Strafverfolger m |
English thesaurus |
law |
the attorney representing the state; A trial lawyer representing the government in a criminal case and the interests of the state in civil matters. In criminal cases, the prosecutor has the responsibility of deciding who and when to file charges |
law, abbr. |
pros. |