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[læs] n
gen. Mädchen n; Deern f (norddeutsch: junges Mädchen); Dirne f (veraltet, noch in Dialekten: junges Mädchen); junges Mädchen; Freundin f; Mädel n; Dirndl n (bayerisch: Mädchen); Madl n (bayerisch: Mädchen)
country lass [læs] n
gen. Mädchen vom Land
 English thesaurus
LASS [læs] abbr.
abbr., avia. laser applications system studies; line amplifier and supersynchronous mixer; logistics automated support system
abbr., mil., air.def. low altitude space surveillance system
LASS [læs] abbr.
abbr. light attack SEAL support; Local Area Signaling Services
abbr., earth.sc. local area sounding system
abbr., el. large area smoke screening system; laser-activated semiconductor switch; logistics analysis simulation system
abbr., electr.eng. light-activated silicon switch
abbr., med. Latin American Sleep Society
abbr., mil. Laser-Activated Silicon Switching
abbr., mil., astronaut. land application satellite system
abbr., oil light activated silicon switch
abbr., opt. laser spark spectroscopy; laser-activated silicon switch
abbr., scottish Laptop Avionics Support System; Large Aircraft Start Systems; Large Area Smoke Screening; Local Area Sensor System (UK); Low Altitude Surveillance System
abbr., space lateral acceleration sensing system; low-altitude space surveillance; low-altitude surveillance system
comp. local area signaling service
mil. large area smoke system; launch area support ship; lighter-than-air submarine simulator; logistics automated supply system
tech. large advanced space system; laser anti-satellite system
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1

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