gen. |
Umleitung f; Umweg m; Abzweigung f; Kurzweil f; Abwechslung f; Zeitvertreib m; Diversion f; Ablenkungsmanöver m; Umgehung f (z.B. von Regeln) |
biol. |
Aufspalten n; Aufschlitzen; Aufritzen m; Herausspalten f |
construct. |
Umleitung f (Verkehr; Wasser); Umgehungskanal m; Umgehungsstraße f |
econ., BrE |
Verteilung f |
fin., polit. |
Bestimmungsänderung f |
mech.eng. |
Umlenkung m |
nat.res. |
Umführung f |
nucl.phys. |
Umgehungslieferung f |
nucl.phys., OHS |
Abzweigung f (of nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities to unauthorized purposes by subnational groups, von kontrolliertem Kernmaterial); Kernmaterialabzweigung f (of nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities to unauthorized purposes by subnational groups) |
tech. |
Ablenkung f; Aufspaltung f; Zerstreuung f; Verschleppung f; Ablenkungsangriff m |
transp. |
Umgehungsroute f |
transp., industr., construct. |
Kurswechsel m; Kursabweichung f; Kursänderung f |
diversion order for criminal defendant to participate in alternative program, instead of prison [daɪ'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n | |
law |
Umleitung f; an einem alternativen Programm teilzunehmen |
commun., transp. |
vollständige Umleitung des Verkehrs |
English thesaurus |
abbr., AmE |
detour (брит. Bobrovska) |
law |
an official order for criminal defendant to participate in alternative program, instead of prison; Instead of going to jail, a defendant goes to a rehabilitation "rehab" program and is supervised by a probation officer. When the defendant finishes the program, the charges are dismissed and the defendant is not sentenced |
mil., abbr. |
div |
mil., logist. |
A change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons. Except in the case of aircraft, a diversion order will not constitute a change of destination. (FRA) |
tech., abbr. |
divn |
The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that diverts attention. see also demonstration; A change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons that does not constitute a change of destination. see also demonstration; A rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or destination or on a different mode of transportation prior to arrival at ultimate destination. see also demonstration; In naval mine warfare, a route or channel bypassing a dangerous area by connecting one channel to another or it may branch from a channel and rejoin it on the other side of the danger (JP 3-03) see also demonstration |
mil., logist. |
Drawing the enemy assets towards an area or position which is not the one on which one wants to exercise ones main effort. FRA |