gen. |
Buchhülle f (The hard cover of a publication); Kasette f (The hard cover of a publication); Schuber m (The hard cover of a publication); Patronenhülse f; Treibladungshülse f; Haube f; Oberflächenkasus m; Angelegenheit f; Etui n; Fach n; Fall m; Gehäuse n; Kiste m; Koffer m; Prozess m; Sache m (Rechtssache); Hülse f (f); Zarge f (Tür, Fenster); inspizieren; Kasus m; Causa österr.; Computergehäuse n; Schrein m; Akte m; Behältnis n |
accum. |
Zellengefäß n |
agric. |
Panzer m; Patrone m; Käfig m; Umschließungskasten m; Kammer f |
agric., industr. |
Durchfeuchten |
archaeol. |
Tasche f |
book.bind. |
Einbanddecke f |
build.struct. |
Gewände n; Zarge f |
busin. |
Streitfall m |
chem. |
Wachsträgerplatte f; Büchse f; Dose f; Hülse f; Kapsel f; Gehäuse n (of a balance) |
coal. |
Patronenhuelse m; Patronenpapier n |
commun. |
Schriftkasten m; Setzkasten m; Einband m; Bucheinband m; Gehäuse n (module) |
comp. |
Register n; Schrank m |
comp., MS |
Anfrage f (A customer service issue or problem reported by a customer and the activities that customer service representatives use to resolve it); Behälter m (A receptacle for holding goods to be stored or transported); Fall m (An abstract view of data characterized by attributes and relations to other cases); Groß-/Kleinbuchstaben n (In text processing, an indication of whether one or more alphabetic characters are capitalized (uppercase) or not (lowercase). A case-sensitive program or routine distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters and treats the word cat as totally distinct from either Cat or CAT. A case-sensitive program that also separates capitalized and lowercased words would list Arkansas before aardvark or antimony, even though its alphabetic position follows both lowercased words) |
construct. |
Häuschen n; Hülse f (of a lock); Führung f (of a lock); Schloßkasten m |
econ. |
Sache m; Standpunkt m |
ed. |
Fail m |
el. |
Batteriekarton n; Papphülse f; Blockkasten m |
footb. |
Ballhülle f (leather); äussere Hülle des Balles (leather) |
IT |
Fallunterscheidung f; Gehaeuse n (eines Geraetes); Kasten fuer Lochkarten; Koffer m (z.B. Messkoffer) |
law |
Rechtssache f (Sache); Aktenvorgang m; Strafverfahren n (der Fall); Vorgang m |
mater.sc., mech.eng. |
Gehäuse n |
mech.eng. |
Strahltriebwerksgehäuse n |
met. |
Einsatzschicht f; Schreckschicht f; auflegierte Randschicht; wasserführende Spalte; Oberfläche f |
mining. |
Riß im Nebengestein (über den Wasser in einen Grubenbau gelangt); Ortsbrett; Zumachbrett n (Ortsvertäfelung); Schrotausbau m; Sprengstoffkasten m |
mun.plan. |
Schlosskasten m |
pack. |
Kiste m (Packmittel aus Holz); Schachtel f (Packmittel, z. B. aus Karton, Voll- oder Wellpappe, Blech, Holz oder Kunststoff) |
patents. |
Prozeßsache f; Sache m (Angelegenheit) |
polygr. |
binden; Karton m; verpacken |
polygr., model. |
Kassette f |
tech. |
Behälter m; Einsatz m; Futteral n; Hülle f; Kasten m; Prozeß m; Rechtsstreit m; Schachtel f; Überzug m; Ummantelung f; Mantel m; aeussere Huelle; Behaelter m; Gehaeuse n; Haerteschicht f; Lage f; Zustand m |
telecom. |
Schrankgehäuse n |
transp. |
Kurbelgehäuse n |
transp., industr., construct. |
Gestell n |
trav. |
Kompassgehäuse n (of compass) |
comp. |
rechnerunterstützte Softwaretechnik |
gen. |
Etuis n; Fälle m |
entomol. |
Futteralmotten f; Sackmotten f |
law |
Fallgruppe m |
case criminal or civil lawsuit [keɪs] n | |
law |
Verfahren n |
patents. |
Patentangelegenheit f; Patentsache f |
gen. |
Einsatz Härten |
case of an energy meter [keɪs] n | |
el., meas.inst. |
Zählergehäuse n |
polygr. |
Kiste m |
construct. |
vertäfeln; einhausen; umhüllen; ummanteln |
law, ADR |
in Kisten verpacken |
mining. |
verrohren; verpacken (in Behälter); verschalen |
tech. |
verkleiden |
gen. |
Deckel |
industr., construct., met. |
Überfangen |
mech.eng. |
Kasten |
gen. |
verkleidete |
English thesaurus |
invest., abbr. |
ca. |
law |
A lawsuit. Or a complaint filed in criminal, traffic, or civil court; criminal lawsuit; civil lawsuit |
law, abbr. |
ca |
abbr., auto. |
crankshaft speed; computer-aided system evaluations; crank angle selector; crank angle sensing error |
abbr., avia. |
chief airframe system engineer; controller and signal evaluation; coordinating agency for supplies evaluation |
abbr., IT |
Computer Aided Selling |
abbr., med. |
computer-assisted system for exercise |
abbr., scient. |
computer-aided system engineering computer-aided software engineering |
abbr. |
computer aided system evaluation; Centre for Advanced Studies in Environment; computer-aided software engineering; Clarkston Area Speak Easy Toastmasters Club; Confidence Accessibility Safety And Efficiency; Confidence, Accessibility, Soundness, And Efficiency; Centers of Advanced Study and Education (shpak_07); Citizens Action for Safe Environment; Citizens Association for Sound Energy; Committee on Academic Science and Engineering; Common Application Service Element; computer automated; Computer-Assisted Software Engineering; Consortium for Accreditation of Sonographic Education (Anglophile) |
abbr., auto. |
cranking angle sensing error |
abbr., automat. |
common application service elements |
abbr., avia. |
computer-assisted system-evaluation |
abbr., chem. |
Coatings Adhesives Sealants Elastomers (ZVI-73) |
abbr., comp. |
Computer Application Service Elements (Vosoni) |
abbr., comp., net. |
Computer-Aided Software Engineering |
abbr., dat.proc. |
computer-assisted software engineering |
abbr., econ. |
Council of American States in Europe (Vosoni) |
abbr., ed. |
Chicago Academic Standards Examinations |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Computer Aided Software Engineering; Computer-Aided Systems Engineering; Council for Advancement and Support of Education |
abbr., el. |
computer application service element |
abbr., el., scient. |
Computer- Aided Systems Engineering |
abbr., fin. |
Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchange |
abbr., inet. |
Comparison Alternative Shopping Engine |
abbr., IT |
Common Application Service Elements; computer-aided science engineering; Computer-aided software engineering |
abbr., med. |
Cognitive Assessment Scale For The Elderly |
abbr., mil. |
Combined Arms Synthetic Experiment; Computer Aided System Engineering; Corps and Subordinate Echelons; Corps Area Support Element |
abbr., mil., avia. |
commission on accreditation of service experience |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
Coordinated Air- Sea Experiment |
abbr., oil |
climatology and simulation of eddies; Committee cxi Academic Science and Engineering; computer aided systems engineering; computer-aided systems evaluation |
abbr., polym. |
Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants & Elastomers (kondorsky) |
abbr., progr. |
computer assisted software engineering (ssn); computer-aided software engineering (ssn) |
abbr., scottish |
Close Air Support Evaluation; Coherent Active Source Experiment (USA); Combined Arms Systems Engineering; Computer-Aided System Engineering |
abbr., space |
computer and system engineering; computer assisted system evaluation; computer automated support equipment; coordinated aerospace supplier evaluation; crew accommodations and support equipment |
abbr., st.exch. |
Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchange |
abbr., steam. |
Cellulose Acetate Strip Electrophoresis (электрофорез на полоске из ацетата целлюлозы ochernen) |
abbr., transp. |
Continuing Automotive Service Education |
mil. |
communications, analysis, simulation and evaluation; computer-aided system evaluation; computer-automated support equipment; corps and subordinate echelons; Counteragency for Sabotage and Espionage |
tech. |
common access switching equipment; computer-aided software/system engineering; coordinating agency for supplier evaluation |