control : 15276 phrases in 175 subjects |
Accounting | 17 |
Acoustics | 5 |
Aerodynamics | 1 |
Aerohydrodynamics | 1 |
Agriculture | 247 |
Air conditioners | 5 |
Alternative dispute resolution | 22 |
American usage, not spelling | 12 |
Analytical chemistry | 3 |
Antennas and waveguides | 4 |
Archaeology | 1 |
Artificial intelligence | 31 |
Astronautics | 22 |
Astronomy | 8 |
Athletics | 1 |
Automated equipment | 1252 |
Automatic control | 60 |
Automobiles | 300 |
Aviation | 72 |
Banking | 1 |
Biology | 11 |
Boxing | 2 |
British usage, not spelling | 5 |
Building materials | 1 |
Business | 159 |
Chemistry | 113 |
Clinical trial | 1 |
Coal | 16 |
Commerce | 15 |
Communications | 689 |
Computer networks | 2 |
Computer numerical control | 106 |
Computers | 245 |
Construction | 299 |
Corporate governance | 1 |
Criminal law | 6 |
Cryptography | 2 |
Cultural studies | 12 |
Customs | 50 |
Demography | 9 |
Drilling | 1 |
Drives | 14 |
Earth sciences | 113 |
Ecology | 2 |
Economics | 289 |
Education | 30 |
Electric traction | 16 |
Electrical engineering | 13 |
Electricity generation | 3 |
Electronics | 381 |
Emergency medical care | 8 |
Employment | 3 |
Energy industry | 14 |
Engineering | 1 |
Engines | 45 |
Entomology | 1 |
Environment | 162 |
European Union | 10 |
Fencing | 5 |
Figurative | 2 |
Finances | 152 |
Fish farming pisciculture | 10 |
Food industry | 17 |
Football | 8 |
Foreign trade | 90 |
Forestry | 6 |
Gear train | 3 |
General | 1315 |
Geology | 1 |
Geomechanics | 4 |
Germany | 11 |
Health care | 94 |
Helicopters | 8 |
High energy physics | 1 |
Hobbies and pastimes | 2 |
Horticulture | 2 |
Human rights activism | 3 |
Idiomatic | 2 |
Immigration and citizenship | 31 |
Industry | 41 |
Informal | 4 |
Information technology | 669 |
Insurance | 4 |
International Monetary Fund | 15 |
International trade | 1 |
Labor law | 14 |
Law | 151 |
Life sciences | 106 |
Machinery and mechanisms | 1 |
Magnetics | 6 |
Marketing | 20 |
Materials science | 48 |
Mathematics | 21 |
Measuring instruments | 902 |
Mechanic engineering | 604 |
Mechanics | 1 |
Medical | 160 |
Medical appliances | 103 |
Melioration | 2 |
Metallurgy | 72 |
Microelectronics | 308 |
Microsoft | 203 |
Military | 14 |
Mineral products | 3 |
Mining | 45 |
Municipal planning | 8 |
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation | 166 |
Natural sciences | 25 |
Nautical | 2 |
Nuclear and fusion power | 3 |
Nuclear physics | 85 |
Obsolete / dated | 7 |
Operations research | 1 |
Optics branch of physics | 228 |
Packaging | 11 |
Paragliding | 16 |
Patents | 33 |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | 25 |
Photography | 1 |
Physics | 144 |
Phytophathology | 1 |
Police | 1 |
Politics | 17 |
Polygraphy | 11 |
Power electronics | 7 |
Power lines | 4 |
Power system protection | 5 |
Private international law | 1 |
Programming | 20 |
Project management | 1 |
Psychology | 7 |
Punched cards | 16 |
Quality control and standards | 3 |
Radiation | 4 |
Radio | 26 |
Radiography | 3 |
Rail transport | 18 |
Refrigeration | 33 |
Research and development | 4 |
Robotics | 2 |
Sample preparation | 1 |
Satellite communications | 4 |
Scuba diving | 2 |
Security systems | 3 |
Semiconductors | 1 |
Shooting sport | 1 |
Skiing | 6 |
Skydiving | 2 |
Social science | 14 |
Sound recording | 1 |
Sports | 13 |
Statistics | 33 |
Superconductivity | 1 |
Surveying | 3 |
Taxes | 10 |
Technology | 3041 |
Telecommunications | 79 |
Telegraphy | 13 |
Telephony | 2 |
Television | 1 |
Textile industry | 62 |
Thermal Energy | 1 |
Thermal engineering | 1 |
Transformers | 1 |
Transport | 813 |
Travel | 1 |
United Nations | 2 |
Veterinary medicine | 1 |
Video recording | 6 |
Waste management | 1 |
Weapons and gunsmithing | 4 |
Weightlifting | 1 |
Welding | 1 |
Wind Energy | 1 |
Work flow | 10 |