[/ru:t/, US also /raʊt/] n | |
gen. |
Relation f; Schiffahrtsroute f; Leitung f; Marschroute f; Richtung f; Route f; Strecke f; routen; trassieren (Verkehrswege, Kabel, Rohrleitungen); Kurs Strecke; leiten; lotsen; senden; steuern; trassieren Verkehrswege, Kabel, Rohrleitungen |
chem. |
fräsen |
commer., transp., avia. |
Luftstraße f; Flugverbindung f; Luftroute f |
commun. |
Fahrtstrecke f; Kabelverbindung f; Suchweg m (SW); weiterleiten (a connection) |
comp., MS |
Arbeitsplan m (A detailed set of instructions that describes how to create a particular item); Route f (A Service Broker object that specifies the network address for a remote service); weiterleiten (To direct a call); weiterleiten (To direct a call) |
construct. |
Trasse f (Rohre, Kabel); Fahrweg m; Linienführung f |
cyc.sport |
Fahrtlinie Strecke |
econ. |
Fahrtroute f; auf den Weg schicken; befördern; dirigieren (Transportgüter usw auf einem bestimmten Weg); auf dem Amtsweg weiterleiten (Dokumente usw) |
el. |
Verbindungsweg m; Zuleitung f; Leitungsführung f |
emerg.care |
Reiseweg m; Route f |
environ. |
Fahrweg (Streckenführung; Fahrweg m (Streckenführung); Pfad m |
med. |
Mechanismus m |
met., mech.eng. |
formschneiden |
microel. |
Leitbahn f |
railw., sec.sys. |
Fahrstraße f |
tech. |
Leitweg m; Reiseweg m; Straße f; Trasse f; Weg m; Wegstrecke f; den Arbeitsgang festlegen; zuleiten |
tel. |
Linienzug m |
telecom. |
Leitweg m (transmission); Straßenverlauf m (road) |
transp. |
Verkehrswege pl.; Verkehrsweg m; Bahn f; Verkehrsverbindung f; Leitungsweg m; Transportweg m; Reiseroute f |
transp., avia. |
Flugstrecke f |
gen. |
Routen f; Strecken n |
to route [/ru:t/, US also /raʊt/] n | |
transp. |
befördern |
air route [/ru:t/, US also /raʊt/] n | |
gen. |
Fluglinie f (Streckenverlauf) |
marked-out route [/ru:t/, US also /raʊt/] n | |
gen. |
Trasse f (projektierte Strecke) |
route [/ru:t/, US also /raʊt/] v | |
commun. |
weiterführen |
construct. |
Trasse festlegen; eine Trasse Streckenführung festlegen |
microel. |
zuführen (Daten); übertragen; trassieren |
tech. |
hinführen; routen (militaerisch) |
gen. |
leitet |
gen. |
leitete |
IT |
Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikationssprache |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
r |
mil., abbr. |
rt; rte |
mil., logist. |
Series of either portions of roads or tracks, or of portions of railroads, used to travel from one point to another. Road routes can either be open or controlled. In the latter case, they can be: supervised, despatch, reserved, specialized, single flow or denied routes. 1 - Open routes: routes not subject to traffic or movement control restrictions no "movement credit" is necessary on these routes. 2. Controlled routes: routes, the use of which is subject to traffic or movement restrictions, They may be classified into: 1. supervised routes: roadways over which limited control is exercised by means of traffic control posts and traffic patrols, Movement credit is required for its use by a column of 20 vehicles or more, or any vehicle of exceptional size or weight; 2. despatch routes: roadways over which full control, both as to priorities of use and the regulation of movement of traffic in time and space is exercised, Movement credit is required for its use, by any single vehicle or group of vehicles; 3. reserved routes: specific routes allocated exclusively to a given authority or formation; 4. specialized routes: routes allocated to meet a specific requirement; 5. single flow routes: route allowing the traffic of vehicles in only one direction, at a given point in time; 6. denied routes: routes which are not open for traffic, A route can be entirely denied, or only one portion of it, (FRA) |