gen. |
Schulklasse m; Laufbahngruppen n (Arbeiter workers, Angestellte employees, einfacher Dienst subclerical class, mittlerer Dienst clerical class, standard career officers, gehobener Dienst executive class, advanced career officers, höherer Dienst administrative class, top management officers - in UK wird i.d.R. nach Gehaltsgruppen "pay bands" unterschieden, bei Übersetzungen ist meist eine Erläuterung notwendig) |
comp., MS |
Kurs m (An individual training session on a subject); Kursstunde f (An individual training session on a subject) |
ed. |
Unterrichtstunde f |
fin. |
Optionsklasse f |
IT, dat.proc. |
Zeichenklasse f |
meas.inst. |
Güteklasse f |
opt. |
Typ m |
tech. |
Stufe f; Unterricht m |
gen. |
Unterrichtsstunde f |
meas.inst. |
Klasse f |
univer. |
Unterrichtsbetrieb m |
gen. |
klassifizieren; rubrizieren |
gen. |
einstufen als; Baureihe; Kurs; Kursus (Bildung); Stand; einordnen; Lehrveranstaltung Bildung; Leistungsklasse |
agric. |
Rang; Ordnung; Klassen- |
AI. |
Klasse (Menge von Objekten) |
astr. |
Importanzzahl (of a flare); Stärke einer Eruption (of a flare); Intensitätsklasse (of a flare) |
comp. |
Klasse |
comp., MS |
Klasse (A named descriptor for a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, methods, relationships, and behaviors) |
construct. |
Güteklasse (eines Baustoffs oder Bauteils); Feuerschutzklassifikation (z. B. class A, class B, bis class F) |
econ. |
Gattung; Gesellschaftsklasse; soziale Klasse; Rangstufe; Qualität; Grad; Güte; Vorlesung; Jahrgang |
ed. |
Klassenkollektiv; Kursus; Studienjahr; Unterrichtsstunde; Stunde |
IT |
Interessengruppe |
life.sc. |
Klasse (classis) |
sail. |
Bootsklasse |
sport. |
Abstufung; Stufenfolge; Gradation; Liga |
tech. |
Gruppe; Kategorie; Baureihe Klasse; Klasse (paed) |
transp. |
Reiseklasse |
class of an amplifying stage [klɑ:s] adj. | |
gen. |
C радио. C-Betrieb einer Verstärkerstufe |
social class [klɑ:s] adj. | |
gen. |
Schicht |
gen. |
Klasse (Kl.) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Committee on Laser Atmospheric Studies |
abbr., IT |
continuous acquisition and life-cycle support |
abbr., polym. |
cl |
invest., abbr. |
cl. |
mil., abbr. |
cls |
abbr. |
classification |
abbr., commer. |
classified |
abbr., libr. |
classic; classical |
abbr. |
Christian Leaders And Speakers Seminar; Committee For Law Abiding State Senators; Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling; Custom Local-Area Signaling Services |
abbr., auto. |
compressible liquid adaptive suspension system |
abbr., commun. |
custom local area signalling service |
abbr., ed. |
Clustered Learning For Academic Student Success; Connected Learning Assures Student Success; Connected Learning Assures Students Success; Connecting Learning And Accountability For Students And Schools; Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students |
abbr., el. |
customer local area signaling service; customer local area signaling system; customer local area special service; customized local access signaling service |
abbr., file.ext. |
Client Access to Systems and Services; Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services; Java bytecode (compiled class - application) |
abbr., IT |
Cell Level Atm Services Simulator; Custom Local Area Signaling Services; Java bytecode |
abbr., meteorol. |
Clinical Anatomy Interactive Lesson |
abbr., mil. |
Closed Loop Artillery Simulation System |
abbr., mil., avia. |
cargo/logistics airlift systems study |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
cross-chain LORAN atmospheric sounding system |
abbr., post |
Computerized Labeling and Address Sequence System |
abbr., relig. |
Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Services |
abbr., scottish |
Chameleonic Light Altering Simulated System (US Army); Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System; Coherent Laser radar Airborne Shear Sensor; Computing, Laser-Aided, Sight System |
abbr., tel. |
Custom Local Area Signaling Service |
comp. |
comprehensive satellite link simulation package |
mil. |
Close Air Support System |
tech. |
classified |
abbr. |
Classification/Classified |
IT |
application/octet-stream |
abbr., busin. |
classification; classify |
abbr., earth.sc. |
capacity loading and schedule system; coherent lidar airborne shear sensor; Cross-Crosschain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System (NCAR) |
abbr., oil |
central leg anchor separation system; clay analysis & shaly sand evaluation |
abbr., space |
carrier landing aid stabilization system; communications link analysis and simulation system |