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[kə'lekʃ(ə)n] n
comp., MS colección (An object that contains a set of related objects. An object's position in the collection can change whenever a change occurs in the collection; therefore, the position of any specific object in a collection may vary)
 English thesaurus
collection [kə'lekʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr., biol. col
invest., abbr. coll
lit. The gathering together of the work of a single writer, usually a poet, and of a particular time period.
mil., logist. Phase of the intelligence cycle representing the exploitation of sources by collection agencies and the delivery of the information obtained to the appropriate processing unit for use in the production of intelligence; Deliberate action performed to collect information on a subject, using means and/or human, optical/optronic or electronic sensors. (FRA)
USA In intelligence usage, the acquisition of information and the provision of this information to processing elements (JP 2-01) see also intelligence process
: 3 phrases in 1 subject

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