comp., MS |
Contido (The listing of contents at the beginning of a document or file) |
comp., MS |
contido (The information in a campaign that is intended to be communicated to marketing list members about the campaign. For example this content could be the dialog for a phone call or the body text of an e-mail message) |
comp., MS |
Contido (An option on the Views menu in Windows Explorer that shows the most appropriate details for the file type in a flexible layout rather than only showing the details associated with the column headers in the view) |
comp., MS |
Contidos (A button that opens the current document's table of contents in a pane. Users can pin the pane to the document, and when they scroll through the document, the table of contents dynamically highlights the section they are in) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., agric. |
cont |
lit. |
Any theme, idea, argument, action or story which is contained within a literary text. |
abbr., file.ext. |
.cnt (file name extension) |
abbr. |
cont |