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comp., MS Contido (The listing of contents at the beginning of a document or file)
content [k'ɔntent] n
comp., MS contido (The information in a campaign that is intended to be communicated to marketing list members about the campaign. For example this content could be the dialog for a phone call or the body text of an e-mail message)
Content [k'ɔntent] n
comp., MS Contido (An option on the Views menu in Windows Explorer that shows the most appropriate details for the file type in a flexible layout rather than only showing the details associated with the column headers in the view)
Contents adj.
comp., MS Contidos (A button that opens the current document's table of contents in a pane. Users can pin the pane to the document, and when they scroll through the document, the table of contents dynamically highlights the section they are in)
 English thesaurus
content ['kɔntent] abbr.
abbr., agric. cont
lit. Any theme, idea, argument, action or story which is contained within a literary text.
Contents abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .cnt (file name extension)
contents abbr.
abbr. cont
: 20 phrases in 1 subject

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