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load.equip. indicador de descarga de batería
 English thesaurus
BDI abbr.
abbr. Behavior Description Interviewing; bearing deviation indicator; Big, Dumb Idiot
abbr., account. bank deposit interest
abbr., anim.husb. Bureau of Dairy Industry
abbr., avia. bearing distance indicator; bomb damage information; bullet dispersion indicator
abbr., busin. brand development index (ssn); both days included
abbr., comp. business description language; Blockchain Data Interchange (oshkindt)
abbr., comp., IT Black Digital Interface
abbr., comp., net. business data interchange
abbr., econ. Baltic Dry Index (индекс стоимости перевозки грузов Inchionette)
abbr., el. background display image; base diffusion isolated; base diffusion isolation (process); buffered direct-injection
abbr., expl. blast damage index
abbr., fin. Baltic Dry Index
abbr., inet. Beginner's Discussion Initiative
abbr., IT Brain Dead Install; Business Data Integration
abbr., law Behavior Determinant Intervention; Belief Desire And Intention
abbr., load.equip. indicador de descàrrega de bateria; indicador de descarga de batería; indicatore di carica della batteria; voltmetru; battery discharge indicator (ВосьМой)
abbr., med. baseline dyspnoea index (Игорь_2006); Borg Dyspnoea Index (ННатальЯ); Beck depression inventory; Blepharospasm Disability Index (ННатальЯ); Birth Defect Institute (New York State Health Department)
abbr., mil., avia. battle damage indication
abbr., nautic. Both Dates Inclusive
abbr., oil Burundi
abbr., pharma. Bulk Drug Intermediate (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol. Behaviors, Determinants, and Interventions
abbr., physiol., med. Behaviors Determinants And Interventions
abbr., psychol. Beck Depression Inventory ((BDI, BDI-1A, BDI-II) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Depression_Inventory Oleksandr Spirin)
abbr., scottish Battle Damage Indication device; Bearing Deviation / Distance Indicator; Blast Deflectors Inc. (USA); Bomb Damage Intelligence; Bullet Direction Indicator
abbr., sec.sys. background disturbance indicator
abbr., shipb. bilge-diagonal intercept
abbr., tradem. Banca D'Italia
abbr., transp. Basic Driver Improvement
mil. biological damage indicator
tech. base diffusion isolation; bearing direction indicator
Bdi. abbr.
geogr. Burundi (Vosoni)
bdi abbr.
abbr. both dates inclusive (Studiozus)

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