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agric. tech. moissonneuse-lieuse
anal.chem. matrice
comp., MS matrice
fin. tableau; grille; matrice
market. mater.sc. cavité; empreinte
nucl.phys. matrice de conditionnement
pack. matrice
| Protein
polit. protéine
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
matrix ['meɪtrɪks] n
gen. matricer; réseau matriciel de transformation des signaux
chem. moule m; ciment m; mandrin m
cultur., commun. film matrice
el. circuit matrice
industr., construct. cercle sommet partiel; garniture de moule; liant m
med. masse de fond
scient., el. matrice carrée
synt. phrase matrice; proposition matrice
tech. matrice f
transp., construct. agglomérant m
Matrix ['meɪtrɪks] n
comp., MS Matrice f (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show how parts relate to a whole)
positive matrix ['meɪtrɪks] n
IT disque mère
matrix ['meɪtrɪks] adj.
agric., tech. moissonneuse-lieuse
anal.chem. matrice (in chemical analysis)
chem. gangue
comp., MS matrice (An arrangement of rows and columns used for organizing related items, such as numbers, dots, spreadsheet cells, or circuit elements)
construct. forme ou moule double
market., mater.sc. cavité; empreinte
med. matrice (uterus); utérus (uterus)
met. étampe de dessous; forme; magma de second temps
nucl.phys. matrice de conditionnement
pack. matrice (de compression)
soil. fond matriciel
matrix management ['meɪtrɪks] adj.
fin. tableau; grille; matrice (gestion)
 English thesaurus
matrix ['meɪtrɪks] abbr.
abbr. mat
abbr., oil mtx
MATRIX ['meɪtrɪks] abbr.
abbr. Multi-source Automatic Target Recognition with Interactive Exploitation
abbr., mil., avia. multistate antiterrorism information exchange
mil. management trial exercise
Matrix ['meɪtrɪks] abbr.
abbr., telecom. physical-layer
Matrix Protein
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Health care1