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gen. consigner
arts. vérifier
comp. preuve; épreuve
horticult. témoin
patents. réviser
textile carreau; examen; inspection
water.res. barrage régulateur
that | data
comp., MS données
| are
math. efficacité relative asymptotique
| entered
comp., MS entrer
| correctly
gen. correctement
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
check [ʧek] n
gen. consigner; s'assurer que (that); faire échec
agric. vérification f
agric., construct. bassin de submersion
amer. chèque bancaire
arts. vérifier; revoir m
busin., labor.org., environ. surveillance f
chess.term. échec m
comp. preuve f; épreuve f; essai m; test m
comp., MS vérification f (Part of a group of tests that are run against an application); chèque m (A written order on a bank to pay a sum of money from funds in an account. Checks show the name of the company or individual receiving payment, the signature and account number of the person issuing the check, the payment amount and the current date. Checks usually are numbered in sequence)
construct. régulateur m; feuillure f; rainure f
earth.sc., industr., construct. gente radiale unilatérale; gerce longitudinale
fin. chèque m; comptage m
hobby dérapage en biais utilitaire
hockey. arrêter f
horticult. témoin f
industr., construct., mech.eng. craquelure f; fissure f; fêlure f
industr., construct., met. amorce f; encisureB f; gerce f; glaçure m; inciséB; péture f
mater.sc. ausculter
mater.sc., industr., construct. gerçure f
med. traction f; freinage m
met. peau de crocodile; tapure de retrait; plaque de contrôle; crique f; tapure f
nat.sc., agric. inhibition f
pack. éprouver; contrôler
patents. réviser m
stat. opérations de contrôle
tech. contrôle m; valider m (to)
tech., industr., construct. fente de retrait
telecom. tester m
textile carreau m; examen m; inspection f
transp. damier m; enregistrer; checker; vérifiez
water.res. barrage régulateur
work.fl., mater.sc. cocher m
to check [ʧek] n
fin. procéder à des vérifications
IT contrôler
med. vérifier
transp. étaler
checks n
agric., construct. bassins m
met. parois f; fissures longitudinales
check! n
gen. échec au roi!
check starting from an edge [ʧek] n
industr., construct., met. amorce f
check x [ʧek] n
welf. croix f
check [ʧek] v
comp. essayer; examiner
 English thesaurus
CHECK [ʧek] abbr.
abbr. Cross Help Email a Cheesey King
Checks that
: 8 phrases in 6 subjects