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let out a burp

[bɜ:p] n
gen. faire un rot; lâcher un rot
burping v
mech.eng. renvoi
 English thesaurus
burp [bɜ:p] abbr.
astronaut. back-up rate of pitch (Alex Lilo)
BURP [bɜ:p] abbr.
abbr. British Union of Radish Producers; Bankrupt Unemployed Rejected Person (Never use this acronym, just try to be kind and understanding Interex)
abbr., ed. Bit Of Uninterrupted Reading Program
abbr., inet. Banner Url Rotation Program
abbr., law Break Up Recurring Patterns
abbr., mil. Beneficial Use Reconnaissance Program
abbr., physiol., med. Backwards Upwards Rightwards Pressure
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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