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[lɪsp] n
phonol. blèsement m; zézaiement m
have a lisp [lɪsp] n
gen. avoir un cheveu sur la langue
lisp [lɪsp] v
ling. bléser; zézayer фонол.
med. zézayer
 English thesaurus
LISP [lɪsp] abbr.
abbr. Lots Of Inane Silly Parentheses; Lots Of Incomprehensible Single Parentheses; Lots Of Irrelevant Silly Parentheses; Lots Of Irritating And Silly Parentheses; Lots Of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses; LISt Processing Language; Lost In Stupid Parentheses; Lots Of Idiotic And Stupid Parentheses; Lots Of Incredibly Stupid Parentheses; Lots Of Infernal Stupid Parentheses; Lots Of Insane Stupid Parentheses; Lots Of Insipid And Stupid Parentheses; Lots Of Irritating Stupid Parentheses; Lots of Isolated Silly Parentheses (LISP, Slang)
abbr., AI. LISP (Listen Verarbeitungssprache)
abbr., astronaut., mil. List Processing (A programming language used in artificial intelligence)
abbr., auto. list processing programming language
abbr., el. list processor (language); Linux integration service provider
abbr., file.ext. List Processor; List Processing (Programming Language)
abbr., IT List Processing; LISt processing (Bricker)
abbr., med. Lots Of Irritating Single Parentheses
abbr., mil., avia. list processing
comp., IT List Programming
IT, abbr. List Processing (See HLL; Language)
tech. large integrated speech processor; laser isotope separation program
: 5 phrases in 1 subject
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