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[wɔnd] n
agric. plançon m
IT, el. baguette f; crayon-lecteur m
gymnastic wand [wɔnd] n
gymn. barre f; bâton m
 English thesaurus
WAND [wɔnd] abbr.
abbr. TV-17, Decatur, Illinois; West Athurlie, Neilston, And Dunterlie; Women's Action for New Directions
abbr., comp., net. wide-area network distribution
abbr., comp., net., IT Web Assisted Notification Of Devices; World Access Network Directory
abbr., el. wide area network distribution; Wharton alerting network database; wired AND; world access network direct
abbr., mil. Wide Area Neutralization Device
abbr., post Worldwide Advanced Network Distribution (UK, 2006)
abbr., railw. Wisconsin and Michigan Railway Company
abbr., scottish Wide Area Neutralisation Device (USA)
WANDS abbr.
abbr., comp., net., IT Wide Area Network Delay Simulator
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
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