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market economy ['mɑːkɪtiːkɒnəmɪ]
bank. economie de marché
econ. économie de marché; économie libérale; économie de libre concurrence; économie de libre entreprise
market economy An economic system in which the allocation of resources is determined by supply and demand in markets ['mɑːkɪtiːkɒnəmɪ]
polit. économie de marché (Système économique dans lequel l'affectation des ressources est fondée sur l'offre et la demande sur les marchés)
market economy A mixed economy that relies heavily on markets to answer the three basic questions of allocation, but with a modest amount of government involvement. While it is commonly termed capitalism, market-oriented economy is much more descriptive of how the economy is structured ['mɑːkɪtiːkɒnəmɪ]
environ. économie de marché
free market economy ['mɑːkɪtiːkɒnəmɪ]
plann. economie compétitive
market economy
: 38 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund1
International trade1