earth.sc., transp. |
composante de sustentation |
fish.farm. |
poussé e verticale |
mech.eng. |
monte-charge f |
transp., avia., fish.farm. |
poussée verticale |
gen. |
hayon élévateur |
lift of mouldings [lɪft] n | |
chem. |
moulée dans un cycle de moulage |
gen. |
élever; décollement du niveau du noir; élévateur |
chem. |
monte-jus; appareil de levage; course; élévation |
comp. |
lever; hausser; dresser |
earth.sc. |
sustentation |
earth.sc., mech.eng. |
hauteur de dépression |
econ. |
ascenseur |
environ., agric. |
dénivelé |
equest.sp. |
s'élever |
hobby, earth.sc. |
ascendance |
hobby, transp. |
remontée mécanique |
hydrol. |
dénivelée |
industr., construct. |
mouvement ascendant; course du fil |
kayak. |
faire sortir de l'eau (boat from water, le bateau) |
law |
lever le voile social |
mater.sc., construct. |
chute; hauteur de retenue |
mech.eng. |
appareil d'élévation; appareil élévateur; relevage; levage |
med. |
moulée |
met. |
hauteur d'élévation; hauteur d'extraction; hauteur de l'étage; jeu des pompes étagées; cordée; démoulage; partie de dessus; formation de dôme; chapeau de châssis |
mining. |
havée; passe; recoupe |
pack. |
caisse de transport; lift |
phys.sc., mech.eng. |
portance |
row. |
dégager |
tech., mech.eng. |
levée |
telecom. |
décrocher (the handset, le combiné) |
transp. |
soulever |
transp., tech. |
hauteur de gauchissage |
lift hydraulique [lɪft] v | |
transp. |
relevagehydraulique |
transp. |
levée d'une soupape |
lifts other than ski-lifts v | |
gen. |
ascenseurs |
lift aerodynamic [lɪft] v | |
transp. |
portance |
English thesaurus |
abbr., avia. |
l |
abbr. |
Leading Into The Future Together; Lifestyle Improvement For Today; Lifting In Faith Together; Literacy Involves Families Together; Local Improvement Finance Trust; Local Improvement Finance Trusts; Labor In Faith And Trust; Labor Intensive Factory Tools; Learning Incentives For The Talented; London International Festival of Theatre (Anglophile) |
abbr., ed. |
Learning Information For Today; Learning Is Fun Too |
abbr., el. |
logically integrated FORTRAN translator |
abbr., geophys. |
Leading Intelligent Filter Technology (Kazuroff) |
abbr., IT |
License Information For Trading |
abbr., med. |
ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (лигирование свищевого хода в межсфинктерном слое kat_j) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
lead-in fighter trainer |
abbr., relig. |
Ladies In Fellowship Together; Living In Faith Together; Lutheran Internet Fellowship Talk |
abbr., scottish |
Lead-In Fighter Trainer/Training; Logistics Improvement of Facilities & Technology |
abbr., biotechn. |
laser-induced forward transfer ('More) |
abbr., med. |
ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract (kat_j) |
abbr., oil |
local impedance flowmeter tool |