agric. |
grille à air; grille à lisier; caillebotis m |
build.struct. |
treillis m |
chem. |
grillage m; assemblage m; grille de retenne; rateau |
commun., life.sc. |
graticule m; grille cartographique; grille de points |
commun., transp. |
réseau m; serpentin m |
comp. |
trame f (of a screen); rastre m (of a screen); grille f (of a screen) |
comp., MS |
grille f (A set of intersecting lines or linear elements at right angles to each other) |
construct. |
grille de poutres |
earth.sc. |
grille antidiffusante |
energ.ind. |
grand réseau |
environ. |
grille à barreaux |
fishery |
grille trieuse |
geogr. |
terrain de football américain |
health. |
grille d'un tube radiogène |
hobby, cultur. |
gril m |
IMF. |
grille de parités |
math. |
grille f; quadrillage m |
med.appl. |
grille f (of an X-ray tube) |
nucl.phys., med. |
grille fixe; grille de Lysholm |
stat., el. |
réseau de grand transport |
tech. |
canevas m; réseau de coordonnées; carroyage m; maillage m |
tech., industr., construct. |
tôle perforée |
telecom. |
trame f |
industr., construct., mech.eng. |
grille périphérique |
ling. |
grille thématique |
filmsetting grid [grɪd] n | |
polygr. |
gabarit de mise en page |
English thesaurus |
abbr., avia. |
grid network |
amer. |
gridiron football (Taras) |
abbr. |
Graphics Retail Interior Design |
abbr., avia. |
groove internal diameter |
abbr., el. |
general resource integration and distribution; graphic reproduction by integrated design; graphics interactive display |
abbr., immunol. |
Gay Related Immune Deficiency (первое название СПИДа Alfenina) |
abbr., IT |
graphic interactive display; General Repository For Interactions Datasets |
abbr., med. |
Gay-related immune deficiency (Artjaazz); Gay-related Immunodeficiency (syndrome) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
graphic retrieval and information display |
abbr., monk. |
Global Rave Information Database |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Gradual Retrograde Immune Degeneration |
abbr., polit. |
Greens Republicans Independents And Democrats |
abbr., relig. |
Great Rewards In Devotion |
mil. |
graphic remote integrated display |
mil., abbr. |
graphical interactive display; ground radio interface device |
abbr., earth.sc. |
geo-encoded-resources information data management system; gridded resource inventory data system |
abbr., physiol. |
Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
abbr., desert. |
Global Resources Information Database |
abbr., oil |
Global Resource Information Data Base |
abbr., UN, geol. |
Global Resource Information Database |