econ. |
fer m |
environ., industr., construct. |
industrie sidérurgique |
industr., construct., chem. |
repasser m |
mech.eng. |
équerre f |
med. |
fer m (Fe) |
tech. |
métallurgique (en composition); fonte f |
textile |
fer à repasser |
wood. |
couteau m |
met. |
fer β |
met. |
fer α |
construct. |
fer ou barre à souder |
met. |
fer γ |
met. |
fer δ |
irons non-electric handtools n | |
gen. |
fers outils non électriques |
gen. |
fer électrique |
iron A malleable ductile silvery-white ferromagnetic metallic element occurring principally in haematite and magnetite. It is widely used for structural and engineering purposes [ˈaiən] n | |
environ. |
fer m |
industr., construct. |
maillocher |
English thesaurus |
abbr., tech. |
delta iron |
abbr., mil., avia. |
infrared optical nose |
Nasdaq |
Ironstone Group, Inc. |
abbr., scottish |
Fe |