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CNC meas.inst. étrangleur
comp. contrainte
construct. limitation
law fin. préjudice
meas.inst. volet d'air
med. limitation restriction
patents. réduction
tech. restriction
| to
el. retarder
| own
chem. spécifique
| house
patents. établissement
| and
gen. ainsi que
| compound
patents. assembler
- only individual words found

to phrases
restriction [rɪ'strɪkʃ(ə)n] n
CNC, meas.inst. étrangleur m
comp. contrainte f
construct. limitation f
law, fin. préjudice m
meas.inst. volet d'air
med. limitation restriction
patents. réduction f
tech. restriction f
restrictions n
law restriction f
restriction to own house and compound
: 1 phrase in 1 subject