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diversion [daɪ'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n
gen. itinéraire bis
mil., logist. diversion f (create a, faire)
nat.res. by-pass m; dérivation f; déversement m
nucl.phys., OHS détournement m (of nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities to unauthorized purposes by subnational groups); soutirage m (of nuclear material from peaceful nuclear activities to unauthorized purposes by subnational groups, de matières nucléaires)
telecom. ré-acheminement m
transp. détournement m; déviation f; déviation temporaire; itinéraire dévié; itinéraire détourné
transp., industr., construct. déroutement m; changement de route
UN, sl., drug. déjudiciarisation f
UN, weap. le détournement
complete diversion [daɪ'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n
commun., transp. déviation totale de la circulation
diversion road construction [daɪ'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n
transp. déviation routière
 English thesaurus
diversion [daɪ'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr., AmE detour (брит. Bobrovska)
law an official order for criminal defendant to participate in alternative program, instead of prison; Instead of going to jail, a defendant goes to a rehabilitation "rehab" program and is supervised by a probation officer. When the defendant finishes the program, the charges are dismissed and the defendant is not sentenced
mil., abbr. div
mil., logist. A change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons. Except in the case of aircraft, a diversion order will not constitute a change of destination. (FRA)
tech., abbr. divn
USA The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that diverts attention. see also demonstration; A change made in a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons that does not constitute a change of destination. see also demonstration; A rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or destination or on a different mode of transportation prior to arrival at ultimate destination. see also demonstration; In naval mine warfare, a route or channel bypassing a dangerous area by connecting one channel to another or it may branch from a channel and rejoin it on the other side of the danger (JP 3-03) see also demonstration
diversion create a [daɪ'vɜ:ʃ(ə)n] n
mil., logist. Drawing the enemy assets towards an area or position which is not the one on which one wants to exercise ones main effort. FRA
: 249 phrases in 28 subjects
Earth sciences1
Energy industry4
Fishery fishing industry2
Health care4
International trade6
Life sciences21
Mechanic engineering5
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation8
Nuclear physics11
Soil science2
Water resources13