comp., MS |
portée f (The number of unique users who perform a specific action, such as clicking on a specific ad) |
cultur., commun. |
nombre d'auditeurs réels |
earth.sc., life.sc. |
tronçon de canal à écoulement uniforme |
industr., construct. |
écartement m |
life.sc., transp. |
tronçon rectiligne d'une rivière; section droite d'un fleuve entre deux courbes |
market. |
couverture f |
market., commun. |
toucher m |
nat.sc., agric. |
portée f |
transp., nautic. |
tronçon de cours d'eau |
transp., nautic., construct. |
bief m |
reach of a control [ri:ʧ] n | |
transp. |
accessibilité d'une commande |
reach of handlebar stem [ri:ʧ] n | |
cycl. |
longueur f (de potence) |
tech. |
bief m |
gen. |
parvenir à; parvenir jusqu'à |
box. |
limite de la portée; portée des coups |
chem. |
rayon d'action |
econ. |
publics concernés |
telecom. |
atteindre; obtenir |
org.name. |
Efforts renouvelés contre la faim et la dénutrition chez les enfants |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Raising Employee Awareness Of Community Hardships; Rape Education Advocacy Counseling And Healing; Reaffirming Ethnic Awareness And Cultural Harmony; Rebuilding Educating Awareness Counseling And Hope; Record Export For Art And Cultural Heritage; Redwood Empire Air Care Helicopter; Referral Education And Counseling Help; Relational Evangelism And Christian Hospitality; Relationship, Evangelism, Accountability, Care, And Hope; Request For Early Assistance And Coordinating Help; Research and Educational Applications of Computers in the Humanities; Research Education And Access To Charitable Health; Research Education And Action For Cooperatives And Health; Research Experiences in Algebraic Combinatorics at Harvard; Respect Enthusiasm Able Caring Helpers; Respecting Ethnic And Cultural Heritage; Responsibility Education Achievement Caring And Hope; Responsibility Education And Action For Community Health; Responsibility Education Attitude Change And Health; Responsible Educated Adolescents Can Help; Retreat Evangelization And Conversion Of Hearts; Ringgold's Extracurricular Activities Create Hope |
abbr., chem.ind., EU. |
Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (Andrey Truhachev); Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (Регламент (ЕС) ¹1907/2006 Европейского Парламента и Совета ЕС от 18 декабря 2006 г., касающийся правил регистрации, оценки, санкционирования и ограничения химических веществ (REACH) harser) |
abbr., el. |
real-time electronic access communications for hospital |
abbr., health. |
Research Education And Access To Charitable Healthcare |
abbr., med. |
Research On Endothelin Antagonism In Chronic Heart Failure (studies); Resource Utilization In Congestive Heart Failure (studies); REduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (BB50) |
abbr., org.name. |
partenariat REACH |
abbr., UN |
Renewed Efforts Against Child Hunger and undernutrition (Игорь_2006) |