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verb | adjective | noun | to phrases
doping ['dəupɪŋ] v
el. seostus
industr., construct., met. rasvaus
relig., health., engl. doping
transp., met. lakkaus
dope [dəup] adj.
industr., construct., met. muottirasva
transp., chem. kyllästelakka
to dope [dəup] adj.
el. seostaa
 English thesaurus
dope [dəup] n
slang drug (There are a lot of dope dealers around here); stupid person (He is such a dope)
DOPE [dəup] abbr.
abbr., avia. detailed order planning and execution
abbr., IT databank of program evaluation
abbr., mil. Development Options Paper, Experimental; Data On Previous Engagement (Featus)
abbr., sport. Double Odd Pass Even
mil. display, oral, printed and electronic
: 21 phrases in 6 subjects
Health care3
Hobbies and pastimes1
Social science1