agric. |
kaatokolo |
agric., chem. |
kastoseos |
chem., met. |
emalointi kastelemalla tai valelemalla; lasittaminen kastelemalla tai valelemalla; kastomaalaus; upotusmaalaus |
fin. |
osakkeiden arvonnousua seuraava pieni lasku |
industr., construct. |
kylpy; upotus |
industr., construct., met. |
lasinäyte |
life.sc., coal. |
kaade |
life.sc., industr., construct. |
impregnoida; kyllästää |
health. |
melukuoppa |
agric. |
kastaa; upottaa |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
diplomat |
abbr., oil |
d |
jarg. |
dipsomaniac |
med. |
diphtheria |
polym. |
dipole |
progr. |
density independent pixels (абстрактные пиксели, не зависящие от плотности экрана bojana) |
abbr. |
diploma |
abbr. |
Decision In Principle; debtor in possession (Alexander Matytsin); Decision Implementation Process (Yeldar Azanbayev); Defense Imagery Program; Dial-up Internet Protocol (Linux) |
abbr., auto. |
dipper |
abbr., avia. |
Departure Incentive Program; data input panel; data interrupt program; defense industrial plant; depression impact point; display initialization procedure; display input processor; dissemination information package; dual in line package |
abbr., biol. |
differentiation-inducing factor |
abbr., biotechn. |
Database of Interacting Proteins (Altuntash) |
abbr., Canada |
Defence Industry Productivity |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate |
abbr., comp., net. |
distributed information processing; document and image processing; document image processing; dual-in-line package |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Dynamic Internet Protocol |
abbr., el. |
dual in-line package; data interchange program; dipole impedance probe; direct insert probe; disk initialization package |
abbr., file.ext. |
Digital Imaging Processing; Dual In-line Pin; Debug info processor (Watcom Debugger) |
abbr., health., med. |
Digital Image Pro |
abbr., inf. |
To leave quickly |
abbr., IT |
Database Initialization Program; Debug info processor; Dialup Internet Protocol; Digimon Intensity Project; Document Image Processing; Dual Inline Package |
abbr., law |
Debtor In Possession; Disciplinary Intervention Program |
abbr., med. |
Database Of Interaction Proteins; distal interphalangeal (joint, joint); distal interphalangeal (дистальный межфаланговый Dimpassy); distal interphalangeal (joint); drip infusion pyelogram (pyelography) |
abbr., met. |
direct-iron process |
abbr., mil. |
Defense Intelligence Plan; Die In Place |
abbr., mil., avia. |
defense industrial policy |
abbr., oil |
dipmeter |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Descending Inhibitory Pathway |
abbr., progr. |
dependency inversion principle (ssn); Dependency Inversion Principle (ssn) |
abbr., pulm. |
desquamative interstitial pneumonitis (Ying) |
abbr., pulp.n.paper |
deinked pulp ('More) |
abbr., relig. |
Discipleship In Progress |
abbr., scient. |
Digital Input Platform |
abbr., scottish |
Design Improvement Process (USA); Digital Image Processing |
abbr., tech. |
dual inline packets |
abbr., transp. |
Driver Improvement Program |
energ.ind. |
decision-in-principle |
mil. |
Defense investigation program; display information processor; doctrine improvement program; document improvement program |
tech. |
data interchange format; defense information procedure; design internal pressure; designated inspection points; digital incremental plotter; direct iron process; dual-in-line pulse |
abbr. |
resistivity dip log |
abbr., oil |
dipentene |
modern |
To leave quickly (Example: "I have to dip, I'll see you later." Franka_LV) |
abbr., microel. |
dual-in-line pack |
abbr. |
Department of Immigration and Passports (Управление по вопросам иммиграции и паспортов - из паспорта Бангладеша TheWyld) |
abbr., avia. |
digital inboard profile; diplomacy; Drop Intercept Point (google.com Traducierto.com) |
abbr., busin. |
difference in purls insurance; diploma |
abbr., chem. |
diisopropyl ester |
abbr., comp. |
double in-line package |
abbr., dril. |
dip-log |
abbr., earth.sc. |
differential induction polarization |
abbr., el. |
dual in-line package (Баян) |
abbr., fin. |
debtor-in-possession |
abbr., med. |
desquamative interstitial pneumonia |
abbr., oil |
design improvement program; diisopropyl alkylation process; diplog; dissolved inorganic phosphorus |
abbr., radiogr. |
Drip Infusion Pyelography (Рентгеновское исследование почечных лоханок после капельной инфузии контрастного препарата VasDoc) |
abbr., space |
designated inspection point; diplexer |
abbr., tech. |
deepwater tumbler platform |