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gen. sanaliittotermi
el. sekoite
environ. chem. yhdiste; kemiallinen yhdiste
industr. construct. laatia resepti; mitata; punnita
mech.eng. el. kompaundi
met. mech.eng. hioma-aine
with | creditors
fin. lainanantaja
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noun | noun | verb | to phrases


[ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n
el. sekoite
environ., chem. yhdiste; kemiallinen yhdiste
industr., construct. laatia resepti; mitata; punnita
mech.eng., el. kompaundi
met., mech.eng. hioma-aine
compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] n
gen. sanaliittotermi
compounding [kəm'paundɪŋ] v
fin. velkajärjestely
 English thesaurus
compound ['kɔmpaund] abbr.
abbr., chem. comp; cpd
abbr., mining. cp.
abbr., oil on
abbr., polym. comp.; cpd.
mil., abbr. cmpd; compd
compound with creditors
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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