forestr. |
ladata (akku) |
industr., construct., met. |
mänki |
coal., met. |
uunin panostus |
commun. |
lainan rekisteröinti |
commun., IT |
veloitus |
earth.sc., mech.eng. |
täyttö |
fin., commun. |
maksu |
fin., polit., tax. |
verotus |
industr., construct., met. |
syöttäminen; täyttäminen |
met., el. |
panostaminen |
fin. |
rasittava velkaerä |
market. |
kulu |
work.fl., IT |
menot |
agric. |
kertapuristus; puristuslevy |
agric., industr., construct. |
kuivaamokuorma; kuorma |
chem. |
panos |
coal., met. |
koksihiili; uunin panostus; hiilipanostus; uunintäyttö |
comp., MS |
veloitus (The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery); maksu (The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery); kulu (The incidental cost of product acquisition or product delivery) |
econ. |
syyte |
el. |
varaaminen; sähkö; sähköinen varaus; varaus; sähkövaraus |
fin., commun. |
hinta; maksu |
forestr., wood. |
puuerä; puukuorma |
industr., construct. |
täyttöannos |
industr., construct., met. |
mänkiseos; satsi; sekoitus; seos; syöttö; täyttö |
law |
syytekirjelmän pääkohta; syytekohta; syytekirjelmä; liikennemaksu |
met., el. |
panostaminen |
commun. |
määrätä maksettavaksi |
el. |
varata |
industr., construct., met. |
fyllätä; syöttää |
English thesaurus |
abbr., auto. |
CHA/cha |
abbr., mining. |
chge |
abbr., oil |
annual capital |
abbr., polym. |
cge |
energ.ind., abbr. |
q |
law |
accusation; indictment; In criminal law, each thing the defendant is accused of. |
mil., abbr. |
ch; chg; chrg |
mil., logist. |
A given quantity of explosive, either in bulk or contained in a bomb, a projectile, a mine or similar device, or used as a propellant. 2. A quantity of explosive prepared for demolition purposes. Related terms. booster; cratering charge; inert filling; primed charge; priming charge; shaped charge. (FRA) |
abbr. |
cghs (Vosoni) |
abbr., econ. |
chges (Seregaboss); chrg (Andrey Truhachev) |
insur., abbr. |
ch |
tech., abbr. |
chrs |
abbr., med. |
Coloboma, Heart Disease, Atresia Choanae, Retarded Growth And Retarded Development And/or CNS Anomalies, Genital Hypoplasia, And Ear Anomalies And/or Deafness (syndrome) |
abbr., psychiat. |
Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and the Environment (igisheva) |
abbr., insur. |
chgs |