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[eʤ] adj.
comp., MS dulo (The boundary of a physical or rendered object, such as a display screen or window)
 English thesaurus
EDGES abbr.
abbr., mil. Electronic Data/Guidelines for Element Survivability; Environmental Design Guidance for Evaluation
EDGE [eʤ] abbr.
abbr. Earning Dignity Gaining Employment; Earning Dignity, Gaining Employment; Economic Development Guidance And Empowerment; Employees Driving Government Excellence; Encouraging Diversity Growth And Equity; Encouraging Diversity, Growth, And Equity; Enhancing Developing And Growing Entrepreneurs; Visual Edge Systems, Inc.; Enhanced Data-Rates for Global Evolution
abbr., commun. Functional Layer in Next Generation Network structure
abbr., comp., net., IT Enhanced Datarate For Global Evolution; Exploring Dynamic Groupware Environments
abbr., ed. Education For Disability And Gender Equity; Educators Designing Growth Experiences; Evaluate Decide Go Evolve
abbr., ed., scient. Earn A Degree, Graduate Early; Education Development Growth And Experience; Excellent Decisions Great Education
abbr., el. electronic document gathering environment
abbr., environ. Environmental Database Generation Environment
abbr., HF.electr. Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution
abbr., inet. Endtime Discussion Group Exchange
abbr., IT Enhanced Data For Gsm Evolution; enhanced data GSM environment (Bricker); Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
abbr., mil. Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution; Enhanced Digital Geodetic Environment; electronic data-gathering equipment
abbr., progr., IT Enterprise Dynamic Global Engine
abbr., sport. Enhanced Doom Gaming Engine; Extreme Disc Golf Experience
mil. electronic data gathering equipment

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