gen. |
aboco |
English thesaurus |
gen. |
American Broadcasting Company (Lena Nolte); Audit Bureau of Circulations (Lena Nolte) |
abbr. |
Always Be Careful; American Broadcasting Corporation; Atomic Biological Chemical; Active Body Control; American Bird Conservancy; A Board Committed; Absolute Best Channel; Absorbing boundary condition (LyuFi); accounting and budgetary control (бухгалтерско-бюджетный контроль Углов); aggregate base course (Углов); air blast cooled (Углов); All Bout Cancellations; Already Been Chewed (Alex Lilo); American Brahma Club (Американский клуб специалистов по разведению кур породы бра(х)мапутра Углов); Arab Banking Corporation (Арабская банковская ассоциация Углов); automatic background control (автоматическая регулировка яркости (фона) Углов); automatic bass compensation (Углов); automatic binary computer (Углов); automatic blade control (автоматическое управление отвалом (плуга, бульдозера и т.п.) Углов); Automotive Booster Clubs International (Международная федерация клубов продавцов автомобильных запасных частей (США) Углов); Anti-Bribery and Corruption (Ying); automatic-boiling-column reactor; Aerial Board of Control; aircraft of bomber command; alum, blood-charcoal and clay process; American Broadcasting Corp.; Argentina, Brazil and Chile; Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao; Association of British Chemical Manufacturers; atomic, bacteriological, chemical warfare; atomic, biological, chemical warfare; Australian Broadcasting Commission; Australian Broadcasting Corp.; automatic burner control; Activity Based Classification; advanced scientific computer |
abbr., adv. |
Audit Bureau of Circulation; American Broadcasting Company; Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
abbr., agric. |
abscess |
abbr., alum. |
cable phases |
abbr., anim.husb. |
aspiration biopsy cytology; Agricultural Bank of China; air blast cooled |
abbr., astronaut. |
Aft Bulkhead Carrier (semfromshire) |
abbr., auto. |
active body control; aerial bunched conductor; after bottom center; automatic beam control; automatic brake control; active braking control; automatic bias compensation (control) |
abbr., automat. |
automatic bandwidth control (ssn) |
abbr., avia. |
advanced booking charter; Advance Blade Concept концепция наступающей лопасти (geseb); Abbreviations and codes; Abe World Airways Guide; abbreviation and code; aberrant behavior centre; abridged building classification; active boundary control; advanced ballistics computer; advanced ballistics concepts; advanced blade concepts; advanced broadband communication; advanced business communication; advancing blade concepts; after bottom centre; air bridge to Canada; airborne commander; Airbus, Boeing, COMAC; alarms by carrier; American, British, Canadian; American-British-Canadian conference on unification of engineering standards; American-British-Canadian standardization agreement; American business conference; American business council; automatic bridge control; automatic brightness controller; automatic broadcasting control system |
abbr., badm. |
Asian Badminton Confederation |
abbr., biochem. |
ATP-binding cassette (iwona) |
abbr., busin. |
ABC Analysis; Advanced Booking Charters; air blast cooled; atomic, biological and chemical (warfare); Automatic Binary Computer |
abbr., commer. |
advance booking charter |
abbr., commun., amer. |
Auto bill calling |
abbr., comp. |
Absolute Binary Code (ZolVas); Atanasoff-Berry Computer |
abbr., comp., IT |
Atanasoff Berry Computer |
abbr., comp., net. |
Application Building Classes; agent business consumer |
abbr., comp.graph. |
aerial bundled conductor (inn) |
abbr., cryo. |
Atmospheric Brown Cloud |
abbr., earth.sc. |
ammoniumbicarbonate; analyzing biospheric change; ASEAN Banking Council; atomic, biological, and chemical; method ABC |
abbr., ecol. |
active biological containment |
abbr., econ. |
analysis; analysis Pareto analysis; ABC analysis ABC; American Born Chinese; Associated Bulk Carriers |
abbr., el. |
atomic, biological and chemical (warfare); additional boundary condition; address bus control; advanced bipolar-CMOS VLSI technology; advanced broadband communications; American bom Chinese; amplifier bias current; analog baseband combiner; answer-back code; aqueous batch cleaner; auto billing calling; auto bow control; automatic backwashable cartridge filter; automatic board changer; automatic broadcast control; automation of bibliography through computerization; average benchmark capacity |
abbr., electr.eng. |
armored bushing cable |
abbr., energ.ind. |
after bottom dead centre |
abbr., eng.geol. |
aggregate base course |
abbr., file.ext. |
ABC FlowCharter Document; Musical notation language file (folk melodies) |
abbr., fin. |
Agricultural Bank of China; China Merchants Bank |
abbr., immunol. |
antigen-binding capacity; Avidin and Biotinylated horseradish peroxidase macro-molecular Complex (Палачах) |
abbr., inf. |
airborne cigar |
abbr., IT |
Agent Based Computing; Abstract Base Class; analog boundary cell; activity-based costing |
abbr., journ. |
accuracy, brevity and clarity; Asahi Broadcasting Corporation; Associated Broadcasting Corporation |
abbr., karate. |
adaptive bus controller |
abbr., law |
Alcohol Beverage Control |
abbr., market. |
activity based costing (pr-agentstvo.com Alex_Odeychuk) |
abbr., med. |
Absolute Basophil Count; Acalculous Biliary Colic; Alum, Blood, And Charcoal (purification And Deodorizing Method); Alum, Blood, And Clay (sludge Deodorizing Method); Antigen-binding Cell; Air ways-Breathing-Circulation (Natalya Rovina); acetate bicarbonate; aconite, belladonna, chloroform; activated blood clotting (time); airway, breath, circulation (Safar, Safar); American Biology Council; American Blood Commission (HEW); antibody-coated bacteria; aspiration biopsy cytology; avidin-biotin-peroxiaase complex |
abbr., media. |
American Broadcasting Companies; Audit Bureau Of Circulations |
abbr., met. |
aluminium bronze casting |
abbr., mil. |
Activity Based Costing; Atomic, Bacteriological, Chemical (warfare); atomic, bacteriological and chemical |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
automatic bandwidth control; automatic brightness control; address bus congestion; address bus control |
abbr., mil., avia. |
activity based costing |
abbr., mol.biol. |
adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., mount. |
advanced base camp |
abbr., nucl.phys. |
automatic boiling-column reactor |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
type of fire extinguisher |
abbr., oil |
automatic bandwidth control; advanced burner control (Bauirjan); control; adhesive bonded connection; air bottom cycle; alum, blood charcoal and clay (process); aluminum bronze casting; American Bibliographical Center; American-British-Canadian; analysis bar charting; approach by concept; asphaltenic bottom cracking; Australian Broadcasting Corporation; automatic backpressure control; automatic boiler control; automatic brake control |
abbr., oncol. |
Activated B Cell |
abbr., pharm. |
abacavir (абакавир Dimpassy) |
abbr., physiol. |
ATP Binding Cassette |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Atp Binding Cassette |
abbr., police |
Acceptable Behaviour Contract |
abbr., polym. |
assisted biological coagulation |
abbr., post |
Advanced Bar Code: 62 bar POSTNET code representing 11 digit ZIP (see DPBC); Audit Bureau of Circulations Inc. (for 2nd class permit audits) |
abbr., psychiat. |
Aberrant Behavior Checklis (анкета оценки аномального поведения kefiring); Aberrant Behavior Checklist (анкета оценки аномального поведения kefiring); Antecedents, Behaviour, Consequences (метод сбора данных peuplier_8) |
abbr., radio |
automatic bass compensation |
abbr., relig. |
A Better Chance |
abbr., scottish |
Advanced Ballistic Concept; All-purpose Ballastable Crawler; Atomic, Biological / Bacteriological & Chemical |
abbr., securit. |
Agriculture Bank of China |
abbr., shipb. |
automatic boiler control |
abbr., space |
advanced ballistic computer; advanced ballistic concepts; Advanced Business Communications; atomic, bacteriological, chemical weapons; atomic, biological and chemical warfare; automatic boost control |
abbr., sport, bask. |
Asian Basketball Championship |
abbr., sport. |
Asian Badminton Federation; American Bowling Congress |
abbr., st.exch. |
AmerisourceBergen Corporation |
abbr., tech. |
Associated Builders and Contractors; America-born children |
abbr., tech., TV |
automatic brightness control |
abbr., telecom. |
American Broadcasting Corporation; A, B, and C power supply |
abbr., tradem. |
American Broadcasting Company |
abbr., UN, AIDS. |
Abacavir |
abbr., USA |
Audit Bureau of Circulation (Бюро по контролю за тиражами (США) (ставящее своей целью контроль за достоверностью данных о тиражах органов периодической печати, издаваемых его членами, и широкое обнародование этих данных. Создано в 1914 г.; контролирует более 3/4 всех изданий периодической печати Организация с тем же названием и теми же задачами существует и в Великобритании) Углов) |
abbr., water.suppl. |
acid-binding capacity |
energ.ind., abbr. |
air-blast cooling; atomic, biological, chemical |
mil., abbr. |
Airborne Command; advanced basing concept; advanced biomedical capsule; air bubble craft; airborne control; assistant beach commander; Airborne Corps |
O&G, abbr. |
advanced blending control |
tech., abbr. |
American bibliographic benter; after bottom center; after bottom dead center; air-blast cooled; augmented bibliographic citation; automatic bass control; automatic bias compensation; automatic blip counter |
TV, abbr. |
automatic brightness limiter |
electr.eng. |
automatic bias control |
O&G |
automatic beam control |
abbr., earth.sc. |
automatic brightness contrast control |