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['sætɪn] n
gen. sateno
type of satin ['sætɪn] n
gen. atlaso
satin ['sætɪn] adj.
gen. atlasa
 English thesaurus
SATIN ['sætɪn] abbr.
abbr., avia. satellite inspector
abbr., el. satellite inspection technique
abbr., quant.el. signal amplification through time reversal (protocol MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Strategic Air Command Automated Total Information Network (USA); Survivability Augmentation for Transport Installation - Now
mil. SAC automated total information network; SAGE air traffic integration
tech. SAC automated total information net; satellite inspector system
Satin ['sætɪn] abbr.
abbr., space Strategic Air Command automated total-information network; survivability augmentation for transport installation-now
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