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[greɪ] n
gen. grajo (unit)
Gray [greɪ] n
gen. Grejo
grey [greɪ] n
gen. grizo
gray [greɪ] v
gen. griza; griztona
turn gray [greɪ] v
gen. griziĝi
 English thesaurus
gray [greɪ] abbr.
abbr., oil gry
abbr., pest.contr. Gray Gy
abbr., space grey
health., nucl.pow. Gy
mil. Unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation
mil., logist. Unit of measurement of the absorbed radiation dose, corresponding to one joule per kilogram. The unit of measurement of the radiation dose is the centigray cGy. (FRA)
GRAY [greɪ] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics
abbr., IT Bitmap graphics
Gray [greɪ] abbr.
abbr., oil Grayson
: 15 phrases in 1 subject

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