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['tʌʧ] n
gen. ektuŝmaniero; fingrofrapo; palpo; tuŝi; tuŝo
sense of touch ['tʌʧ] n
gen. tuŝado
touch ['tʌʧ] v
gen. fuŝpalpi; kortuŝi (emotionally); kuntuŝiĝi; palpi
 English thesaurus
TOUCH ['tʌʧ] abbr.
abbr. Therapy Of Unique Canine Helpers; Touching Others Using Caring Hands
abbr., health., med. Telehealth Outreach For Unified Community Health
abbr., physiol., med. Therapeutic Outreach Using Canine Help
abbr., relig. Transforming Others Under Christ's Hand
: 15 phrases in 1 subject

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