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[treɪn] n
gen. akompanantaro; basko (of a dress or robe); obeigi; trenaĵo (of a dress); vagonaro (railway); veturilaro
railroad train [treɪn] n
gen. trajno
train [treɪn] v
gen. celdirekti; celumi; dresi (an animal); ekzerci; instrui; trejni; trejni sin (oneself); treni
 English thesaurus
train [treɪn] abbr.
abbr. tn; tr
abbr., med. training
TRAINS abbr.
abbr., org.name. Trade Analysis and Information System
mil. Interactive Video Teletraining System; threat radar analysis and indicator system
TRAIN [treɪn] abbr.
abbr., busin. Tele-Rail Automated Information Network
abbr., ed. Training Resource And Information Network
abbr., el. telerail automated information network
: 21 phrases in 1 subject

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