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noun | verb | to phrases
comb [kəum] n
gen. kombilo
cock’s comb [kəum] n
gen. kresto
comb [kəum] v
gen. kombi; taŭzi
 English thesaurus
comb [kəum] abbr.
abbr. combat; combination; combine; combustion; combustibility
automat. combined
comb. abbr.
abbr., auto. combustion
abbr., earth.sc. combined
IT combination
polym. combine
COMB [kəum] abbr.
abbr. Control Over Maurice's Boys; combining
abbr., avia. combustor
abbr., busin. combustible
abbr., oil combination type bullet in CST (core sidewall taker)
ocean., nautic., scient. Center of Marine Biotechnology
Comb. abbr.
abbr. Comberbach's King's Bench Reports
: 3 phrases in 1 subject