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[hɔ:lt] n
gen. haltadi; halti; halto
bring to a halt [hɔ:lt] n
gen. haltigi
halt [hɔ:lt] v
gen. digi
 English thesaurus
halt [hɔ:lt] n
energ.ind., abbr. hit
mil., abbr. hlt
HALT [hɔ:lt] abbr.
abbr. Help Attack Littering And Trashing; Hungry Angry Lonely And Tired
abbr., avia. highly accelerated life test (MichaelBurov); highly accelerated lifetime test (MichaelBurov); highly accelerated lifetime testing
abbr., el. hot air leveled tin
abbr., IT Highly Accelerated Life Testing
abbr., law Help Abolish Legal Tyranny
abbr., med. hormone-ablation therapy (ННатальЯ)
abbr., scottish High Accuracy Line Track
abbr., surg. hypoattenuated leaflet thickening (AllSol)
HALTS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. high alpha inviscid solution
: 3 phrases in 1 subject

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