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[kɔ:n] n
gen. greno; kalaĵo; kalo (on foot)
Indian corn [kɔ:n] n
gen. maizo
 English thesaurus
corn. abbr.
abbr., construct. cornice
CORN [kɔ:n] abbr.
abbr. COmputer Resource Nucleus
abbr., agric. Crop Observation And Recommendation Network
abbr., inf. Another name for moonshine liquor
abbr., med. Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services
abbr., transp. Computer Resources Nucleus
mil. controlled range network
Corn [kɔ:n] abbr.
abbr. Cornish; Cornwall
Cornw. [kɔ:n] abbr.
abbr. Cornwall
: 8 phrases in 1 subject

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