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gen. binding
comp., MS bankpost
econ. obligatie
fin. schuldbrief; obligatielening
industr. construct. bankpost
met. hechtingsvermogen; bindmiddel met natte sterkte; binding
nucl.phys. binding
in | stove
mun.plan. kachel
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[bɔnd] n
comp., MS bankpost m (Lightweight paper commonly used for letterhead and other business publications)
econ. obligatie f
fin. schuldbrief m; obligatielening f; obligatie uitgegeven door de overheid; schuldbekentenis f; schuldbewijs n
industr. hechtvermogen n
industr., construct. bankpost m
industr., construct., chem. lijmlaag
labor.org., account. borgstelling f; borgtocht m
law, econ. verbintenis f
mech.eng. bindmiddel n
met. hechtingsvermogen n; bindmiddel met natte sterkte; binding f
nucl.phys. binding reactortechnologie
tech. chemische binding
transp. hechting f
bonds n
account. obligaties f
bond material [bɔnd] n
gen. binding materiaal
 English thesaurus
bond [bɔnd] abbr.
abbr. bd
fin. sorry bond
law A certificate or evidence of a debt; certificate of debt redeemable by court if defendant fails to appear in court, made to secure the release of defendant awaiting trial
BOND [bɔnd] abbr.
abbr., avia. bonding
abbr., IT bandwidth ON demand (Bricker)
abbr., law Blanchardstown Offenders For New Directions
abbr., mil., avia. bonding
BOND [bɔnd] abbr.
abbr., avia. banding
bond in stove
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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