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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
score [skɔ:] n
gen. rillen f
construct. inkeping f
fish.farm. neut f
industr., construct. lijnvormige insnijding; rits f; roterend; ritslijn f; ritsen f; groef f
ling. Partituur f
mater.sc., mech.eng. kras f
math. score m; uitslag m
mech.eng. slijpgroef f; slijpril
met. boorsel n
to score [skɔ:] n
industr., construct. insnijden; kerven f
social.sc., life.sc. scoren
musical score [skɔ:] n
arts. partituur f
scoring ['skɔ:rɪŋ] v
agric. puntenbeoordeling
industr., construct. ritsen
industr., construct., chem. insnijden
 English thesaurus
score [skɔ:] n
cinema The musical component of a movie's soundtrack. Many scores are written specifically for movies by composers.
SCORE [skɔ:] abbr.
abbr., auto. stratified charge omnivorous rotary engine
abbr., avia. system coordinative reporting
abbr., el. signal communication by orbital relay experiment; system configuration reliability evaluator
abbr., securit. special daim on residual equity
SCORES abbr.
abbr., auto. steering column and occupant response simulation
mil. scenario-oriented recurring evaluation system
SCORE [skɔ:] abbr.
abbr. Seek Conditions To Optimize And Reward Efficiency; Symptoms Causes Outcome Resources And Effects; satellite computer operated readiness equipment; signal communication by orbiting relay experiment
abbr., amer. Service Corps of Retired Executives (ma_rusya)
abbr., earth.sc. scientific cooperative operational research expedition (NOAA)
abbr., ed. Schools Of California Online Resources For Education; South Carolina Organization Of Residential Education
abbr., ed., scient. Standing Committee On Research Exchange; Students Choosing Other Recreational Endeavors
abbr., IT Standardised Corporate Environment ((СВИФТ) Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., law Selective Crime Occurrence Reduction Enforcement
abbr., med. Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (шкала, разработанная для оценки риска смертельного сердечно-сосудистого заболевания в течение 10 лет ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite component operation readiness equipment
abbr., mus. String Chorus Orff Recorder Ensemble
abbr., oil summary of current offshore rig economics
abbr., scottish Signals Communications by Orbital Relay Equipment / Experiment; Sub Calibre Offers Realistic Exercise (Switzerland); Surface Coastal Radar Equipment
abbr., sport. Southern California Off Road Enthusiasts
invest., abbr. special claim on residual equity
mil., abbr. simulated combat operations range equipment; system cost and operational resource evaluation
tech., abbr. signal communication by orbiting relay equipment; standing committee on regulatory effectiveness
: 87 phrases in 17 subjects
Earth sciences1
Health care2
Life sciences1
Materials science2
Mechanic engineering1
Natural sciences1