hydraul. |
klinker m |
automat. |
veel voorkomend programma |
construct. |
kunststeen; baksteen (of burnt clay); gebakken steen (of burnt clay); IJsselformaat (size 6 5/16" x 3" x 1 3/4"); Dordts en Belgisch formaat (size 7 1/8" x 3 3/8" x 1 3/4" [2" ]); drieling of derdeling (size 7 1/8" x 3 9/16" x 1 11/16", baksteen 18,2 x 8,8 x 4 cm); Utrechts of Rijnformaat (size 7 1/18" x 3 9/16"x l 11/16", moppen); Waalformaat (size 8 1/4" x 4 1/8" x 2 1/16"); Groninger en Limburgs formaat (size 9 1 /2" x 4 3/4" x 2 3/8") |
gen. |
bakstenen |
construct. |
mop (8 7/16" x 4 3/16 x 1 3/4" à 2 1/16", baksteen, 215 x 106 x 53 à 45) |
environ. |
stenen |
beautiful red Belgian brick [brɪk] v | |
construct. |
papesteen |
agric., mater.sc. |
tetrapak |
construct. |
steen |
econ. |
baksteen |
environ. |
stenen |
met. |
chamottesteen |
brick A building material usually made from clay, molded as a rectangular block, and baked or burned in a kiln [brɪk] adj. | |
environ. |
baksteen |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
brk |
abbr., cartogr. |
b |
abbr. |
Burma, Russia, India, China, South Korea |
abbr., ed. |
Building Responsible Intelligent And Compassionate Kids |
abbr., inf. |
Another street name for cocaine, because it is transported in blocks like the shape of bricks |
abbr., law |
Bike Run It Can Kill |