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account. statustotal; balancesum; samlet balance
| order
gen. befaling
fin. børsordre
IT tech. at ordre; ordre
law kendelse
transp. orden
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noun | verb | to phrases
total ['təutl] n
account. statustotal; balancesum; samlet balance
fin., econ. i alt
 English thesaurus
total ['təutl] abbr.
abbr., inf. tot
abbr., polym. tot.
energ.ind., abbr. t
TOTAL ['təutl] abbr.
abbr. Technology Open To All Lenders; Technology Open To Approved Lenders; Teens Of Today Alive And Looking; Teens Offering Their Abilities And Love
abbr., ed. Taste Overseas Teaching And Literacy
abbr., ed., scient. Taste Of Translation And Linguistics
Total ['təutl] abbr.
abbr., insur. ttl.
totaled v
slang completely wrecked (My car was totaled in the accident with the garbage truck)
total order: 1 phrase in 1 subject