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nummerfortegnelse | |||
mappe (An information source that contains data about users, computer files, or other objects. In a file system, a directory stores information about files. In a distributed computing environment (such as a Windows domain), the directory stores information about objects such as printers, fax servers, applications, databases, and users) | |||
fortegnelse | |||
adresseliste; oplysningssystem; vejvisersystem | |||
adressebog; vejviser | |||
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et lags adresseliste | |||
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vejvisere | |||
English thesaurus | |||
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dir (Vosoni) | |||
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Phone (all file name extensions) |
directory : 160 phrases in 13 subjects |
Commerce | 2 |
Communications | 70 |
Criminal law | 1 |
Education | 3 |
Finances | 2 |
General | 10 |
Information technology | 10 |
Labor law | 2 |
Law | 4 |
Marketing | 1 |
Microsoft | 53 |
Patents | 1 |
Social science | 1 |