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accumulator [ə'kju:mjuleɪtə] n
astr. střádač
comp., MS průběžný součet (An accumulation of numeric data that can be used for reporting purposes, such as yearly taxable earnings for the T4 or W 2 statement, or used in a calculation. For example, Canada Pension Plan, Social Security, Medicare, and withholding taxes are based on accumulators. The contents of an accumulator can be manually adjusted, preset, and deleted)
accumulator A rechargeable device for storing electrical energy in the form of chemical energy, consisting of one or more separate secondary cells [ə'kju:mjuleɪtə] n
environ. akumulátor
accumulator [ə'kju:mjuleɪtə] adj.
agric. akumulátor
 English thesaurus
accumulator [ə'kju:mjuleɪtə] abbr.
abbr., el. ac
abbr., IT acc
abbr., oil annual capital
abbr., refrig. accum
: 13 phrases in 3 subjects