comp., MS |
asimetrično šifriranje (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., adv. |
angled end |
abbr., auto. |
automotive engineering; acceleration enrichment |
abbr., avia. |
accumulative error; aerodynamic efficiency; aeronautical air engineer; aeronautic engineering; Airbus Espana; Association of European Airlines; atmospheric explorer |
abbr., cryptogr. |
authenticated encryption |
abbr., ecol. |
assimilation efficiency |
abbr., el. |
abrupt emitter (transistor); acoustoelectric; action entity; active element; adaptive equalization; address enable (input); alignment error; animation editor; assembly error; attenuation error; audit entry; Auger effect |
abbr., expl. |
agent air entraining agent |
abbr., med. |
acrodermatitis enteropathica; adult erythrocyte; alveolar echinococcosis; aminoethyl group; Antitoxineinheit |
abbr., med., germ. |
Avena Einheit |
abbr., mil. |
Army in Europe |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
array element |
abbr., scient. |
absent; accepted; acting; adult; afternoon; alto; amateur; anterior |
abbr., auto. |
advance advanced; after market; attribute; audio |
abbr., econ. |
time zone A |
abbr., earth.sc. |
aegirine |
abbr., oil |
aeolian |
UK |
aerial |
abbr., earth.sc. |
achondrite of enstatite |
abbr., met. |
arrest point on equilibrium |
abbr. |
aerial |
abbr., med., lat. |
aetatis |
abbr., scient. |
A positive |
abbr. |
Account Executive; USN Rating Aviation Electrician's Mate (Alex Lilo); Above Elbow (amputation Alex Lilo); above or equal (Lena Nolte); Academic Edition (Microsoft Alex Lilo); Access Enforcer (SAP GRC Access Control Product Alex Lilo); Acela Express (Amtrak train service Alex Lilo); Activity End Invocation (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Adaptive Enterprise (HP Alex Lilo); Additional Entry (USPS Alex Lilo); Address Extension (Sprint Alex Lilo); adult education (обучение взрослых; сокр. Углов); Aero Postale (clothing manufacturer Alex Lilo); Aggregate Expenditures (economics Alex Lilo); Ahorristas Estafados (Paraguay Alex Lilo); Air Efficiency Award (RAF Alex Lilo); Akademia Economiczna (Polish Alex Lilo); Allegheny & Eastern (railroad Alex Lilo); Alpha Elites (gaming Alex Lilo); Also Eligible (horse racing Alex Lilo); Amplifier Extender (FS-1037c Alex Lilo); air escape; armament and electronics; Aerosol (Alex Lilo); Angstro"meinheit (Alex Lilo); Arbeitseinheit (Alex Lilo); Autechre band (Alex Lilo); action evolution; adaptive equalizer; accept-sequence-error indicator; Apple Events (Apple); AppleEvent (inter-application communications for Macintosh OS Alex Lilo); Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE); Arcane Explosion (gaming, World of Warcraft Alex Lilo); Arch Enemy (band Alex Lilo); Argument from Evil (philosophy Alex Lilo); Armed Forces Africa (used with APO/FPO Alex Lilo); Articles Editor (law review Alex Lilo); Associated Electrics, Inc (radio controlled cars Alex Lilo); Associated Equipment (EMC testing Alex Lilo); Auto Estrada (Motorway Alex Lilo); Automotive Extrication (emergency & rescue services Alex Lilo); Auxiliary Explosive (US Navy ammunition ship designation Alex Lilo); Avian Encephalomalacia (Vitamin E Deficiency Alex Lilo); Mandarin Airlines (IATA airline code Alex Lilo); aerospace engineering; air engineering; air entraining |
abbr., account. |
annual exemption |
abbr., affect., geophys. |
acoustic emission (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., agric. |
agricultural engineer (Yakov); avian encephalomyelitis |
abbr., avia. |
airborne equipment; aero-electronics; aviation electronics technician; airport elevation |
abbr., biol. |
aminoethyl |
abbr., busin. |
Aeronautical Engineer |
abbr., cem. |
air entraining (добавка bajituka) |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Atomic Emission |
abbr., cinema |
assistant editor (Common_Ground) |
abbr., clin.trial. |
adverse event (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., comp., net. |
application entity |
abbr., earth.sc. |
absolute elevation; acoustic emissions; acoustic emission system; actual evapotranspiration; added edition; algebraic equation; alkylethoxylate; aminoethylamino; anion-exchange; atmosphere explorer |
abbr., econ. |
accrued expenditure (нарастающие расходы, затраты нарастающим итогом; сокр. Углов); Alaska Economic Report (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам; сокр. Углов); All England (всеанглийский; сокр. Углов); American Express Company (компания "Америкен Экспресс"; сокр. Углов) |
abbr., ed. |
Alternative Education |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Agricultural Engineering |
abbr., electr.eng. |
accidental error; admissible error |
abbr., fant./sci-fi. |
After Earth |
abbr., IT |
Application Entity; arithmetic element; arithmetic expression |
abbr., karate. |
Air Electrical Working Party |
abbr., Makarov. |
application execution |
abbr., math., scient. |
Almost Everywhere |
abbr., med. |
adverse event; Above-elbow (amputation); Antitoxic Unit (Ger. Antitoxineinheit); Atrial Ectopic (heart Beat); aspergillus endophthalmitis (ННатальЯ); atopic eczema (Millie) |
abbr., media. |
Abstract Expressionism |
abbr., mil. |
Aeromedical Evacuation; air electrical (авиационно-электротехнический (НАТО); сокр. Углов); air engineering (1. авиаинженерный 2. авиационно-технической службы (специализация офицера) (Великобритания); сокр. Углов); auxiliary engineering (инженерно-вспомогательный; сокр. Углов); availability of equipment (наличие оборудования; сокр. Углов); aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon; attenuation equalizer; ammunition ship |
abbr., mil., avia. |
effective area |
abbr., mil., WMD |
acid ester of methyl-phosphonic acid; Architect engineer; Area engineer; methyl-phosphonic acid ester |
abbr., monk. |
Anniversary Edition |
abbr., nautic. |
Æ third class (третий класс (по классификации Английского Ллойда); сокр. Углов) |
abbr., oil |
anode effect; absorbed energy; accuracy error; acetone extract; acid equivalent; acousto-electric; acrylic ester; address effective; administrative engineering; aeon; aeronautical engineering; after end; air entrained cement; amplitude estimate; anterior embayment; application engineering; audio equipment; automatic exposure; auxiliary engine; auxiliary equation |
abbr., pest.contr. |
aerosol dispenser |
abbr., phys. |
activation energy (энергия активации; сокр. Углов); actual envelope (фактическая огибающая; сокр. Углов) |
abbr., physiol. |
Above the Elbow |
abbr., polit. |
United Arab Emirates |
abbr., polym. |
absolute error |
abbr., post |
Armed Forces Europe, Canada, Middle East (Префикс военной почты для Европы, Канады и Ближнего Востока Yakov) |
abbr., progr. |
aggregating element (ssn); application entity (ssn); application-entity (ssn) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
asymptotic efficiency |
abbr., scottish |
type abbreviation Ammunition ship (small; L); Aircraft Establishment; Armada Espanola (Spanish Navy) |
abbr., space |
address-enable; aerospace environment; astronomical ephemeris; atmosphere explorers; automatic emplacement |
abbr., sport., psychol. |
after effect |
abbr., st.exch. |
Adams Resources & Energy, Inc. |
abbr., tech. |
Alarms & Events (Lesya1986); authorized examiner (AlexanderGerasimov); aft end |
abbr., tradem. |
Acoustic Electric |
energ.ind., abbr. |
acoustic enclosure; adiabatic exponent; aging evaluation; air emissions; all-electric; anion exchange; architect-engineer; available energy; average emissions |
invest., abbr. |
account executive |
mil., abbr. |
Army education; acoustic emission; acquisition executive; added entry; aerospace education; air engineer; angle of elevation; armor, artillery, and engineers aptitude area; assistant engineer; atomic energy; auxiliary equipment; aviation engineer |
physiol., abbr. |
Above the elbow |
tech., abbr. |
activation energy; actual efficiency; air ejector; air-electrical; airborne electronics; aircraft equipment; alkyl polyethoxylate; appliance electronics; atmospheric emission; aviation electrician |
tech., mil., avia. |
abort electronics |
TV, abbr. |
audio erase |
abbr. |
auxiliary engine |
abbr. |
appropriation and expense |
file.ext. |
United Arab Emirates |