parts : 5128 phrases in 140 subjects |
Accounting | 1 |
Acrobatics | 1 |
Advertising | 6 |
Agriculture | 103 |
Air defense | 10 |
Anatomy | 71 |
Animal husbandry | 29 |
Architecture | 28 |
Armored vehicles | 1 |
Art | 1 |
Artificial intelligence | 14 |
Automated equipment | 3 |
Automobiles | 640 |
Aviation | 537 |
Badminton | 2 |
Baseball | 6 |
Biology | 3 |
Botany | 3 |
Boxing | 2 |
Bridge card game | 9 |
Bridge construction | 35 |
Business | 231 |
Ceramics | 2 |
Chemistry | 122 |
China | 47 |
Commerce | 45 |
Communications | 12 |
Compressors | 31 |
Computer networks | 5 |
Computer numerical control | 13 |
Computers | 1 |
Construction | 11 |
Consulting | 3 |
Cooking | 1 |
Corporate governance | 7 |
Cryosphere | 1 |
Cryptography | 2 |
Demography | 5 |
Dentistry | 1 |
Dermatology | 1 |
Desert science | 6 |
Drilling | 24 |
Earth sciences | 26 |
Ecology | 14 |
Economics | 160 |
Electric machinery | 70 |
Electricity | 24 |
Electronics | 164 |
Engineering geology | 3 |
Environment | 1 |
Ethnology | 1 |
Exhibitions | 12 |
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal | 6 |
Figure skating | 1 |
Finances | 20 |
Fish farming pisciculture | 1 |
Fishery fishing industry | 3 |
Food industry | 1 |
Furniture | 1 |
General | 192 |
Geology | 1 |
Gymnastics | 37 |
Heavy equipment vehicles | 3 |
Horticulture | 2 |
Hydroelectric power stations | 18 |
Information technology | 36 |
International trade | 51 |
Journalism terminology | 1 |
Labor law | 1 |
Law | 5 |
Librarianship | 12 |
Life sciences | 8 |
Light industries | 2 |
Literature | 1 |
Logistics | 11 |
Management | 42 |
Marketing | 4 |
Mathematics | 16 |
Mechanic engineering | 5 |
Mechanics | 8 |
Medical appliances | 1 |
Medicine - Alternative medicine | 4 |
Metallurgy | 165 |
Microsoft | 7 |
Military | 3 |
Mining | 6 |
Name of organization | 1 |
Nautical | 36 |
Nuclear and fusion power | 2 |
Nursing | 2 |
Oil / petroleum | 54 |
Oil processing plants | 2 |
Otorhinolaryngology | 68 |
Physiology | 1 |
Phytophathology | 1 |
Planning | 5 |
Plastic surgery | 2 |
Plastics | 89 |
Polygraphy | 3 |
Polymers | 7 |
Power electronics | 5 |
Project management | 16 |
Psychology | 2 |
Quality control and standards | 5 |
Racing and motorsport | 1 |
Rail transport | 41 |
Refrigeration | 12 |
Reproductive biology | 4 |
Road construction | 5 |
Rowing | 6 |
Rugby football | 1 |
Scientific | 71 |
Securities | 15 |
Shipbuilding | 59 |
Shooting sport | 1 |
Ski jumping | 1 |
Skiing | 3 |
Solar power | 4 |
Space | 103 |
Sports | 25 |
Statistics | 1 |
Steel production | 4 |
Surgery | 67 |
Swimming | 5 |
Table tennis | 6 |
Technology | 902 |
Telecommunications | 57 |
Television | 2 |
Textile industry | 138 |
Transport | 7 |
United Nations | 11 |
United States | 1 |
Veterinary medicine | 1 |
Watchmaking | 1 |
Water resources | 9 |
Welding | 2 |
Wind Energy | 20 |
Wood processing | 1 |
Wushu | 12 |
Одобренный термин | 2 |