avia. |
"阿尔法"单边带无线电台 |
space |
阿尔法 (俄罗斯新型舰载、机载反舰导弹); RUR-4A型火箭助推的深水炸弹; 旧称 A 武器 |
tech. |
埃斯帕托叶纤维; 多产于北非的芦苇草 |
mil. |
"阿尔法" (号核潜艇(苏)) |
gen. |
茅草; 非洲蒲草; 通信中用以代表字母A的词 |
arabic, desert. |
阿尔法草 (Stipa tenacissima L.,产于阿尔及利亚上高原和撒哈拉北缘,为北非半干旱区土著植物,优质造纸原料) |
biol. |
细茎针茅 (Stipa tenuissima,禾本科) |
bot. |
细茎针草 Stipa tenacissima, Lygeum spartum; 北非芦苇草 Stipa tenacissima, Lygeum spartum |
textile |
针茅麻; 芦苇草 |
English thesaurus |
abbr., scottish |
A (phonetic alphabet) |
abbr. |
A Loving Family Affair; Always Looking For Another; Advanced Liaison Forward Area; Air-Land Forces Agency; Alamos Fast Reactor |
abbr., avia. |
air lubricated free attitude |
abbr., avia., med. |
air lubricated free attitude axis (simulator) |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Architecture Landscape And Fine Arts |
abbr., el. |
active low frequency array |
abbr., med. |
Association For Low Flow Anaesthesia; air lubricated free attitude simulator |
abbr., mil., avia. |
advanced light fighter aircraft |
abbr., oil |
Acoustic Leak Flow Analyser (tat-konovalova); advanced log and formation analysis; automatic line fault analysis |
abbr., scottish |
Air-Land Forces Application Agency (USA) |
abbr., tradem. |
Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili |
Nasdaq |
Alfa Corporation |